This is Dumb.

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Neira lifted her nose, snarl brimming in her teeth. She pressed the chill down, the fear, begging it not to leak from her skin and into the air for all of these wolves to smell. They would lap it up like syrup dripping from the bark of a tree, drinking it all down while she watched in horror. 

Normally, her instincts would beat against her ribcage - scream at her to challenge, assert her dominance. Show this pack just what she was, and what she could do. 

Right now that powerful voice in her head was cowering, telling her to roll over and lift a leg. The void eyes were filling her vision, cloaking her body in a quaking fear she had never known. It was the same as the last time she has seen him. Paralyzing, running down her throat like thick tar only to harden into stone. 

She didn't need to challenge anyway. She had zero desire to. No need. Neira knew without a doubt in her mind that this wolf would have no issues handling her. Even with his unseeing eyes. Neira had no desire to have a go at him, not a single nerve in her body wanted to try.  

The creature before her snarled, the sound echoing off the trees like a drum. It shook out of its black throat and into the air on its own frequency. It's unseeing eyes settling on nothing. Black fur shifted as the muscles underneath of it tensed. 

She jerked her head to the side, exposing her neck for the barest of a second. It was all she could stomach in the presence of this creature. A small submission, one she could live with. 

His head rolled to the side once, tall ears picking up the movement before his body began to roll, shifting. Ebony fur was replaced with tanned skin and golden blonde hair. The hollow white of his blind wolf eyes switched into black human eyes. His human body was tall, muscled and lean, but that is where the similarities ended. The two bodies were not connected in the way hers was, the way Judd's were or Jaro's was.

If she tore a piece of his abdomen out in his human body, the wolf side would be unaffected. This seemed like a good thing, two bodies to ruin over one. But that wasn't always the case.

If he died in one body the other would be the only one to survive, leaving you forever stuck. If the human died, the wolf would take over. The human characteristics would disappear and all that would be left was a wild animal. Or you could be left as nothing more than a regular human, stuck in a world you no longer belong to. People go mad with the detachment, the soul dividing separation of one's entire being. 

Shade's lean hip bones were nearly covered as he pulled on a tattered pair of jeans. She didn't see where he had gotten them from. She was just relieved to have his certain appendages covered. There was a smirk on her face, so different from the stoic wolf he was just seconds before. It wasn't a smile or a malicious grin. It was something else, something she couldn't explain. Another rope lash of fear hit her skin. 

"Judd finally let you off the leash?" he said not bothering to do up the button on the jeans.

Neira pulled her lips back over her teeth. It only seemed to make his smirk grown, his white teeth flashing. "Shewolf, calm down. No one here will hurt you." He waved a dismissive hand in her direction. 

She wasn't going to belive that for a second, not a single pitiful second. They were hunting her. They had tracked her down like some kind of fawn! Neira snarled, taking a step back, her raised hackles shaking. 

His hands came out, palms turned towards her. "Whoa," he said softly, "I'm serious. No one here will hurt you. I want to explain myself. I don't know what Judd has told you about me, but I feel like I should have a chance to explain."

If she was being honest, Judd hadn't said anything against Shade, not really. The whole pack had displayed some kind of horrific hatred for him, but no had ever really explained it to her. If she was being honest with herself she wasn't sure if she could take any more revelations. 

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