Chapter Seventeen: Werewolf's Scream

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It's the crunching that makes me look over my shoulder.

The forest is large and oddly silent. Not even a cricket is making a song to break it. Leaves blew in the wind, rustling against one another, but the silence is ringing in my ears. I follow the sound of the crunching up the stream. The streams creates a small amount of sound as I looked down at it. I saw a lines of red and pink in the water before the plop, plop, plop sound began.

No. Don't go down that way. You know what you'll find.


"Look back." 

Oh, what is that lovely sound? I feel like I know this voice, but I'm not sure if I could place it.

I stopped running and was scared that it was Eloy again. Sneaking to get into my heart and rip it out.

My eyes opened to the dark room, but my body still felt heavy. Drake was full human size, sitting on the edge of the bed and his wings sprouting from his back. Little scars littered his back. His muscles moved underneath the skin as he moved. What time was it? I sat up slowly, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand.

"Mmm, Drake?"

"Look back my little one, remember. Monsters with beautiful faces lie," Drake sang softly. I turned his head toward me, his bright pink eyes glowed in the night.

"Matty," he said. "Go back to sleep."

"I..." I stopped, his glance was strange. He was calm and his lips were thin, straight. His eyes were looking straight at me though and they were glowing. It was strange and a little uncomfortable. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Drake grinned, revealing his teeth. It was strange to see him so happy and uncomfortable.

"Matty, may I ask you something?"

I laid back down, keeping my eyes opened for him. "What?"

"What do you think about the idea of forever?"

"Forever?" I grumbled as I yawned. "Forever is a concept humans can't get." I mumbled into my pillow.

"But what if you could have it?"

Forever? What if I could have forever? I try to imagine it. I try to imagine it as something I could reach out and grasp.

"Why would I want forever?" I asked him, yawning. My eyes felt heavy.

"But if you could?"

"Why are you talking about forever, Drake?" I muttered as I looked at him. He stood in the moonlight now, peering into the night sky.

Drake hummed. "I can't fall asleep. Dreams are too much sometimes."

"What do you dream about?" I asked, sitting up, yawning. It was the first time I realized he was shirtless. He looked so human even with the wings. It was unnerving and it kept throwing me off.

"I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours," Drake said as I blinked. It was such a childish thing for him to say that I almost burst out laughing.

I knew Drake slept, but I never seen him sleep.

"I dream of princes, dragons, monsters, and broken glass." I said, thinking of my nightmares for a moment.

"Princes? Not kings?"

"What do you dream about?"

"Green hair." That's not an answer. I glared and he turned to look at me. "It's about as vague as your broken glass dreams."

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