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Hello! It is I back from the depths of writers block.
I have so much free time on my hands this summer that I have decided to finally take up editing this monstrosity. Don't try to flatter me in the slightest because we all know this book has a horrible plot and was more or less fan service.😬😂
So now, if you actually stayed to read this, you are probably wondering what now?

Well... I'm trying to make the book more plot oriented and fix dialogue and descriptions to make this more pleasing to the eye. While also taking out the explicit scenes because Jesus what was my eight grade self thinking!🤦🏻‍♀️

I'm sixteen now and while I think this book is complete garbage, it's still my child. I can't kick out my kid just because it's ugly. I'm proud that a book this meh... grossly... sloppily written garnered this many reads.

So will I be including things from Descendants 3?
Will I keep the same premise of the book?
Will the writing of characters be better?
Gosh I hope so.

Blue-Eyed Boy [in editing hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now