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I raised my eyebrow. What could possibly be so important that Hade turned this serious.

"What do you want to talk about?"

He sighed. "I'm just tired."

I arched my eyebrows. Very confused of his behaviour.

I laughed nervously. "Hade come on... you're making me worry."

He chuckled. "Sorry. Didn't mean to."

I stayed silent for a few minutes that it hits me.

"You're thinking about it again aren't you?!" I raisen my tone a little bit.

He chuckled again. "Am I really that obvious?"

"Hade... I can't believe you. This is the second time. You love it here. What is it that makes you wanna leave so bad?"

"Everything," he answered. "I wanna know what's out there now. Time changes there and I wanna be part of it."


He smiled sadly at me, "It's really hard to explain it with words, little one."

"You promised to protect me," I said with tears starting to filled my eyes. "You promised you'll never leave me alone."

"But I don't have to leave you lass," he said turning to me. "You can come with me. Let's leave together."

I shook my head immediately, "No. Neverland is my home. I'll never leave my home and so should you. You're just like Baelfire."

"Bae was right you know? About not living to the fullest. Because we aren't doing it here and I want to live my life the fullest."


"Baee..." I called, "Baelfireeee you hear me?"

He stepped out of his hut. "What is it Fant?"

"Come on. Let's go to the beach," I said, "You never come out of your hut anymore. What is the matter with you?"

"Just doing a lot of thinking," he said while stepping out. "Come on..."

We walked through the woods together, but not saying a word. I'm guessing he really does got lots in his mind.

"Bae... could you just tell me what's going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean why are you being so quiet. It's not like you at all..."

"I've been thinking..."

"That's what you said last time..."

"I wanna live," he answered.

I raised my eyebrows at him, "What?"

We reached the beach, and I could see the Jolly Roger closing in. I squinted my eyes, and saw Killian waving his hand toward us. I waved at him happily.

As we got on board, Killian hugged me. "How ya' doin' love?"

I hugged back, "Same old, same old."

"Is that demon treating you well?" he was reffering to Peter. He never liked Peter. I think it's because of... well that's another story to tell darlings.

"Killian..." I said.

"Fine... Fine," he rolled his eyes, "I meant the 'king of neverland'."

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