Burgundy baby ♡: Zendaya

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(987 words)

Y/n's POV

               Somewhere in between the cheerleading captain and the quarterback, lies the people who a majority of the Lincoln Park High School student body can be found lusting after. 

 Being a four-time national champion for volleyball, that's exactly how I am ranked in the social hierarchy - in between the bitchy bimbo and the hybrid jock-nympho. 

Just because I'm not as admired as the stereotypical "popular gal" doesn't mean I don't get the same amount of offers from others about romantic relationships or sleazy hook ups. The only difference is that I've just never been interested in either proposal.

 It's not that I don't find the people who give me offers visually appealing. Everyone here just seems too dry and vanilla considering  how long we've all been going to school together. 

But since school started a month ago I've been seeing this new girl around that I've taken an unusually large liking to. I don't know if it's because  of how stunning she looks with her natural curls, the fact that she towers over me, or the way her melanin made her skin pop - but she sure had me trippin' faster than I'd like to admit. 

Luckily I noticed that I wasn't alone in checking her out as she shamelessly did the exact same with me.  After keeping an eye on her I noted that she was in half of my classes meaning I saw her more than once everyday.

Today we have AP chem, strength & conditioning, and culinary together. Knowing she probably isn't going to work up the courage to talk to me, I'm planning to be the big girl and make a move.

Unfortunately, it seems that Zendaya isn't gonna be here today. Her seat across from mine remained empty even after the school bell rang. 

Damn, tired of this simp shit. Was really hoping to make a move today. 

I played around with the piercings in my ear while ignoring the lab directions before the door busted open, revealing the one and only Zendaya Coleman.

"Miss Coleman, I hope you don't plan on getting a pass on detention for your fifth tardy this week as of today. Meet with me after class to discuss your punishment," our chem teacher said,  instantly worsening the frown on Zendaya's face.

"Mrs. Fedorov you can't give me detention, i've already told you about how my car keeps breaking do- BUT that is not my problem Coleman, I gave you my final warning last time and that's the end of this conversation." 

Zendaya stomped towards the seat in front of me, angrily dragging it out and slamming her bag on our lab table. 

"I-I'll go get our goggles and lab coats", I gently whispered not wanting to bother her while she was in the heat of her anger. She groaned in response and slammed her head on the table in defeat. 

I'm probably shouldn't be an annoying little shit and try to make a move on her while she's having a shitty day. 

I tied my hair in a low ponytail before slipping on an over-sized lab coat and adjusting my goggles. 

"C'mon Daya, we gotta do this lab before Fed gets even more angry at you".

Once again, she didn't move an inch and only groaned in response. 

"Dayaaaaa?", I prodded at her folded arms from across the lab table.

Realizing she was probably too emotionally drained to do anything right now, I tugged her shirt motioning for her to stand up. 

"I understand you're having a bad day but if you don't participate, Mrs. Fed is gonna eat your ass". I tapped her arms to signal for her to lift them upwards so I could slide on her lab coat. Her gaze burnt holes into the side of my head and her slight smile made me melt. In order to mask the silence between us I began humming a random tune.

With how tall she is, my ass is gonna have to slam dunk these fucking lab goggles on to her face or sumn. Luckily I came up with an alternative. 

"Safety is key", I whispered to myself while dragging a chair in front of Zendaya. She looked at me extremely confused but started chuckling to herself once she saw me climb onto the chair. I grasped onto her shoulders and turned her around so I could tie her hair back properly. Even after I adjusted her goggles and buttoned up her lab coat, she still continued to quietly laugh to herself while watching me. 

This whole time she seemed to be more focused on my lips than anything else on my face. Her eyes were trained on every nervous twitch I made with my upper lip. 

Before I could mention her awkward staring she leaned into the crook of my neck before whispering, "I like that lipstick shade on you a lot. Makes my knees go weak. What's the name of that shade again angel?". 

Whew chile, this girl really got me trippin' TRIPPIN'. Finna pull the uno reverse flirting card on her ass.

I leaned closer to her and whispered back. "Its Burgundy baby, want a swatch?", I questioned before placing a gentle kiss on her jawline. I pulled back to see a perfect lipstick stain on her jawline, accompanied by her biting sexily at the lip of her lazy smirk. 


"What's crazy is, I'm not even mad your cute ass gave me  more time in detention because you're gonna be there with me. That'll give you more time to leave a swatch somewhere else, if you know what i mean", Zendaya said before flashing me a wink and hoisting me off of the lab chair. 





Hey friends, hit me up. I've gone through 3 full cycles of all 9 seasons of The Office during this self-quarantine so far and I fr can't take this shit. 

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