Klutz ♡: Madison Beer

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Y/n's POV

      My sister and brother-in-law are off on a business trip a couple states away so I'm in charge of babysitting my nieces and nephews for the next week. Luckily for me there are three girls and three boys, all under the age of ten, to entertain me. On top of that they had a fat family cat named Cheeto and i'm not gonna, lie he's a little shit. At least they left me with a stocked pantry, some extra funds, and an emergency contact for Auntie Madi.   

Who Auntie Madi was? I had no idea. All I know is that shes my brother-in-law's childhood best friend, the neighborhood favorite, and is known as "Mad Dog" to the kids. 

 "C'mon babies, its time for lunch!!!" 

        Five children clumsily tumbled inside after finishing up numerous rounds of hide and seek. Some of them were covered in mud and grass, one of them even had their glasses on backwards. Every meal or so, I made sure to do a head count so that one of them didn't go starving. Don't get me wrong this ain't no eighteen kids & counting, but when there's a handful of tiny humans running around for hours, they all eventually start to look and sound the same. 

Lets see we have..

"Ralphie, Nia, Leo, Rose, Maia, and Sam-HAS ANYBODY SEEN SAMMY?!"

Oh shit. I can't believe I've already lost one of them on my second day here. 

        All the kids looked at me wide-eyed with slacked jaws, probably wondering why their parents let someone so irresponsible babysit them. One by one we immediately scattered trying to look for Sammy; of course the little ones didn't offer much help considering they were checking under carpets and on shelves for the five year old. 

"Aundie Y/n!!!"  I heard Sammy yell from the front yard. 

"Baby boy, what are you doing over here! We've all been worried sick looking for you Sammy."

"Sowwy Aundie, i'm sad because Cheeto stuck on the tree," his lisp rang out through his pout. We all simultaneously stared in awe, wondering how the feeble branch hadn't already broken under the tremendous weight of the fat cat. 


All the kids began to cheer for "Auntie Mad Dog" and before I knew it, a huge ass firetruck lined up in front of the fucking house.

Ah shit, the fuck did Sammy do. 

The firefighter in the passenger seat conversed with the other and exited the truck alone, sauntering toward us with a big grin. It wasn't long before the kids bombarded her with hugs and kisses.

Oh lord, she mighty fine. 

"How are my favorite princesses and little dudes doing? What's the emergency kiddos, everything alright?"  

"While actually, Cheeto is stuck on the tree again and we can't reach him. Plus Auntie Y/n can't even reach the top shelf like daddy and mommy can, so there's no way she can reach Cheeto" Ralphie and Nia giggled. 

"Hey!!! Not true, I can most definitely reach the top shelf," I argued, feeling the firefighters' unwavering gaze. 

"With the kiddie stool maybe, but even that's a long shot," Maia cleverly responded. 

The firefighter who I assumed to be "Mad Dog" threw her head back in laughter, flashing her pearly white teeth and sharp jawline.  I felt heat rush to my cheeks as I admired her beauty.

"I'm Madison or Madi for short, its nice to meet you pretty lady" she said winking and attempting to nonchalantly lean against the tree, in which she completely missed and landed on her ass.

All of us bursted out laughing, INCLUDING Madison's firefighter partner from the inside of the truck. If I do say so myself, her attempt at trying to flirt with me was extremely dorky - but god, It was adorable.

"You alright there James Dean?" I yelled loud enough for her to be able to hear above all the laughter.

Madison's head shot up from her prior in-pain state with cheeky smile, "No way, you think i'm as hot as James Dean?!"

Unexpectedly, the branch that previously bared all the weight of Cheeto gave out and the fatass cat decided to use Madi as a cushion. The confident flirt suddenly screeched out in pain as Cheeto just so happened to land on her crotch area.

Once again, all the kids and her partner began to ugly cackle while I ran to tend to the clumsy heartthrob. 

"I'm sorry hunk, you feelin' okay? If I knew that he was gonna use you as a stunt mat I would've rescued you myself," I said while adjusting her head on top of my lap and combing my fingers through her hair.

She flashed yet another adorable smile at me and motioned for me to come closer.

"Seeing you cutely giggle your ass off with the kids was so worth embarrassing the hell out of myself babe. But Cheeto's so thicc that I think he deadass crushed both my dick and balls simultaneously. Can I have an ice pack please?," she whispered into my ear. 

"I'm not surprised you have a dick considering the big dick energy that was radiating off of your fine ass from the moment you stepped off the truck. KIDS GO GET AUNTIE MADI SOME FROZEN BRUSSELS SPROUTS SO SHE CAN USE IT AS AN ICE PACK!!!"

Surprisingly the kids were  still chuckling despite the fact that 10 minutes had already passed since the Cheeto incident. Nevertheless, they continued their playful banter and giggling as they went to go get the ice pack. In the meantime Madison gently pressed her face into my chest, still cupping her balls while I teased and comforted her. 

"Soo do I get a reward for being a hero and saving Cheeto...perhaps your number," Madison questioned with a pout.

"More a klutz than a hero, but even though I saw you bust your ass twice I never doubted that you would leave without me giving you my number or getting yours," I said lightly pressing a kiss onto her temple.

I had no idea what was taking the kids so long but their laughter only continued to get louder from inside the house. As their footsteps became louder Madison pried a pen from her front pocket to jot down my number on her hand.


I looked up to see Madison once again screaming in pain and cupping her balls. I turned my head towards the kids as they stood feet away with an empty slingshot, laughing their asses off.

"SORRY AUNDIE'S, IT SLIPPED," the kids insisted.

"Alright buttheads, which one of you is going on a time out?!" 


Wished I was better at updating. Haven't written in months so I hope this turned out alright. Happy New year everybody!!! 


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