A Freak ♡: Ariana Grande + Announcement

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Ariana's POV:

(TW: Mention of abuse, sexual, swearing)

(2000 words)

I've been seeing the same girl for a couple months now, her name is Y/n. 

She is one dreamy hell of a girl. 

I met her after I begged Frankie to introduce me to her during their Facetime call. Luckily my brother was happy to be my wing man as long as he got to tease me in front of her in return.

And I truly had no plans whatsoever to introduce her to my mom on our third week of dating. 

But damn, I'm glad I did. They get along so well together, one might even say that she loves Y/n more than she loves me . This all came as a shock seeing as my mom usually hates every girl I'm with. It's safe to say Y/n's definitely something special.

Her personality isn't the only thing I'm enamored by. Sex with her was amazing. The figure  eights, the top she gave me, the everything. 

But I still don't know as much about her as I'd like to. Granted, we've only gone on a handful of dates. But she always mentions that she wants to keep our relationship very private because doing the latter would violate her  job contract. I don't know why but that really irks me.

 If she can't tell me the truth about a matter as little as her day to day job, what other bigger things could she be hiding from me?

What fucking job would she have where she wouldn't be able to publicly date me?

Was her boss homophobic or what ? 

" While maybe it's because you're a world famous pop star Ariana!!! I know plenty of jobs that wouldn't like to have an overload of publicity from an international singer. Maybe try searching up her name sweetheart. Her LinkedInProfile should show up, I'm sure of it. Did she leave early again this morning?", my mom questioned over the phone as I buttered my toast.

We had another great time last night but I know our bed didn't . I always thought having a verse girlfriend would emasculate me, but holy crap when I saw her throw it back that thought belief went completely out the window. She's the first girl I've ever met that can keep up with my sex drive that promptly  insists that I have multiple rounds. But if we have another go tonight I swear i'm not gonna have any more cum in my balls. 

"But wouldn't publicity be good for her company's pr or something? Boost sales possibly? And yeah, she left at 5 AM. She always leaves so early in the morning for work. What if she has a whole ass nother' life she's not telling me about, with a husband an everything", I countered.  

"Don't be a dumbass," Frankie butts in.

"She told us  she thinks she loves you the other day on the phone. That girl is precious and soft. She wouldn't do anything to hurt you. You mean a lot more to her than you think you know," he continues.

She loves me?

"Precious? You should've seen the kinds of moves she pulled on me last nigh -  YUCK ARI, i'm your mom, I don't need to hear about my daughters' sex life", my mom interrupted.

DaughterS? Interesting. As in daughters, a reference  to both me and Y/n? As in she considers Y/n family already?  My destined wife perhaps ?

My thought process was interrupted by a familiar voice echoing from behind me in the living room. 

Is that Y/n???

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