Princess & The Bumfuck ♡ : Sabrina Carpenter

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Y/n's POV

TW: Abuse

(2,869 words)

This past New Year's day, my ex-boyfriend thought it would be a great way for me to start off the new year by breaking up with me. Jokes on him, I was planning to break up with him on the first day of January anyways.

Love has always been a hard concept to grasp for me. Actually, no it isn't.

It just seems like love and I don't mix at all - no matter how capable I am of grasping it or not. It's not that I'm not attractive - no, no. There's definitely no shortage in my physical appeal. Personality however, that I'm not so sure about. I never pegged myself as difficult but that's not what everyone else says.

To be fair the one year relationship I had with my ex-boyfriend, was the longest I've ever had in my whole life. Though regardless of how many "I love yous" we exchanged, I always knew deep down inside that we weren't meant to be. For a while I stayed because I thought I could make it work. I thought that maybe if I tried hard enough, love would naturally mix with me. Despite my year long efforts of sucking his micro dick and boosting his ego, he still ended up telling  me the same thing that everyone else has. From my mother to my eighth grade boyfriend- apparently I'm not someone who's "easy to love".

However what they've said still doesn't stop me from going out there, just to be played a countless number of times. That's why I'm here right now ready to go out on my third Tinder date of the month with my edges laid, lashes curled, n' all the fix-ins. 

The doorbell rang so I gave myself a quick pep talk on the way to the door.

"Hi Matt!!! It's so glad to finally meet up in person!"


Much to my disappointment I opened the door to reveal a catfish. Yes - it is the face of the guy who I super liked on Tinder. But it definitely wasn't the sweet personality or the style of the guy I super liked. Up until this point I never thought the sentence "I just can't take my eyes off of him" could be used so negatively. 

I mean we did both agree on attending a fancy restaurant so I had no idea why I was the only one of us wearing formal attire. While I wore heals and a short, flowy, white dress. He wore a stained tank top, flip flops, orange Nike shorts, and a red flannel?

He whisked me away to his Range Rover without properly greeting me. While, at leas the has a cool car? I climbed into the passenger seat only to have my heel connect with a slimy substance spilled onto his car mat.

Next to the spill? A box of condoms and lube. Perfect. Not to be such a grump but it also really, really stunk in the car. I began to zone out over the stench to the point where I had no recollection of the journey from my apartment to the sushi restaurant. I'm sure he was probably talking about himself the whole car ride here, which is probably why he didn't even notice that I wasn't paying attention to him.

He knocked on the window of my seat and made a "what the fuck is taking you so long" shoulder shrug. I quickly exited the car and followed after his him. I immediately looked down at the floor, wanting to avoid the stares of the rest of the customers who were dressed properly. I continued to follow behind Matt as the front desk person pointed us to our seats. I pulled out my own chair and watched as he perched his flannel on the back of his seat. I'm not sure if my disgust at his lack of manners transferred onto my facial expressions, but I'm guessing it did as an approaching waitress chucked at me. I sheepishly sat down in my seat and eyed my date across from me.

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