Too Soon? ♡ Kylie Jenner

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Y/n's POV

"Stormi, don't bother Y/n. She's trying to get some sleep baby. Give her a little break,  Y/n/n worked too hard last night. Why don't you go play with Saint or Penelope," Kylie said before moving Stormi to the other side of her.  Much to Kylie's dismay, Stormi ignored her pleas and continued to wedge herself in between me and her. 

Ever since Kylie introduced me to Stormi after our third date,  Stormi has insisted from then on that I rock her to sleep every single night. Don't get me wrong, I find it flattering that Stormi refuses to go to sleep without being in my presence - in fact, I think it's safe to say that I've become as equally fond of her. 

 Though lately, I've been staying up till the early hours of the morning for work because of my nightly commitment to her. Kylie tries her best to put Stormi to sleep, but it usually just ends up in her calling me to come home from my design studio. 

Being a well-known fashion designer, usually I have no problem getting my work done at home while caring for Stormi AND Kylie. I say "AND Kylie" because as much as she likes to try to pretend to be all big and tough with her tattoo sleeves and weights - she's a big softie who wants to be cuddled by me just as much as Stormi does. But because I've been so swamped with press and retail banter, I really haven't found the time to give them their proper daily dose of vitamin me.   

"C'mere babies, I know dinners almost ready and grandma's probably gonna yell at us but I know both of you are dying for some cuddles," I said with my eyes closed.

Stormi squealed with glee while Kylie tried to hide her excitement. Though my eyes are shut from pure exhaustion,  I definitely felt Kylie's not-so-discreet fist pump. Stormi used my boobs as pillows while Kylie opted to lay her head on my stomach, her arms wrapping around my waist. 

"Y/N! WHY IS THIS TAKING SO LONG TO COOK?! IT'S BEEN IN THE OVEN FOREVER NOW," Kris yelled from the kitchen for the fifth time today. 

"Alright cuties, that's my cue. Sound's like grandma is havin' a hard time in the kitchen again. I guess a dinner party isn't the best time for cuddling". 

"Hopefully she didn't burn the kitchen down," Kylie said while she kissed my forehead and I handed Stormi over to her.

On my walk to the kitchen, Kim and Kanye both jokingly saluted me while mouthing the words 'good luck'. I laughed at both of them and pretended to look worried.

"What's the problem momma," I questioned while side hugging Kris. 

It took a couple of family dinners before I was really able to get up close and comfortable with the rest of Kylie's family. My relationship with everyone has developed to the point where they all consider me to be close family - hence why I refer to Kris as a mom and vice versa.

"While...I put this in the oven 30 minutes ago at 375 degrees but for some reason, it's still sorta raw. I literally don't know what I've been doing wrong. I even got Kim to help me but she had no idea either. Maybe it's broken or something."

I got on my tippy toes to confirm if she entered in the temperature and time right, only to burst out laughing. Kris started to giggle after seeing me laugh even though she had no idea what I was laughing at. 

"What are you laughing at Y/n/n," Kris said while jokingly slapping me with a hand towel.

"Mom, you put the oven at 30 degrees for 375 minutes. We've deadass all been waiting here for hours wondering how the main course wasn't finished yet. This is outta pocket momma, I'm buying you new reading glasses and that's final," I laughed out

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