7 Eleven ♡: Billie Eilish

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Y/n's POV

I had a pounding headache from the screaming I had to endure all morning from my nieces . Not to sound like a dick or anything, but sometimes kids piss me the fuck off when I'm around them for too long. Not to mention driving my brother's huge ass lifted truck was making me even more queasy, I needed some aspirin pronto. 

To say this car was too big for me was an understatement - in fact, you wouldn't believe the type of reactions I get when people unexpectedly spot the midget in the driver's seat. I have no choice but to drive this car for the next couple of weeks since mine is in the shop getting repairs done.

I pulled into the parking lot of the 7/11 next to a mouth-watering matte black Dodge Challenger. 

The height of this car worsens the awkwardness of accidentally making eye contact with the drivers in the cars I pull up next to.

 I think that was what the case was at the moment with the black and green haired girl parked next to me - an unwavering eye staring competition, except this time it isn't an awkward encounter but instead a playful contest. 

I broke the stare contest with a goofy smile and she reciprocated. I would've kept it going longer but this headache wasn't gonna get any better if I didn't go and get some kind of knock-off pain relief.

I opened my door and carefully hoisted myself onto the step board while simultaneously holding my skirt down, making sure I didn't slip or accidentally flash the green haired girl. 

 I made it down safely but to no avail, my small accomplishment was interrupted by  extremely loud and obnoxious laughter over the tune of an Amine song.  I glared at the girl in the Dodge challenger who was laughing her ass off like there was no tomorrow and I had no idea why. I must've looked hella confused because she only continued to laugh harder, and made a motion with her hands that pointed out my height difference compared to my car. 

damn I really can't go anywhere without being teased for this shit

My new and improved up-close view of the green haired girl made it clear to me that she was indeed the one and only Billie Eilish, but that didn't phase me at all. I put on my best angry pout, stuck my tongue out, and flicked her off  before going inside to look for some pain relief

I did a quick little head nod and smile at the cashier, who looked extremely stoned. Seems like Billie's not the only one here who's having a good time. 

Not long after I had entered the run down 7 Eleven, I heard the bell at the entrance ring out and slow footsteps approach in the isle behind me. 

Following the sound of the ruffling of several bags of chips was a smug voice. 

"Hey shorty, thanks for the laugh you gave me earlier. I was having a really hard time trying to find a pick me up until you came. I was not expecting your oompa loompa ass to be that tiny coming out of a car that big." 

I was expecting to turn around and shut her cocky ass down with all I had left in me. My attempts were easily put to shame as I could barely stutter out an ounce of confidence, once I craned my neck upwards at her charming blue eyes. 

"Cat got your tongue baby?" she boasted sexily.

"Calm your cocky ass down big head. Just because you're Billie Eilish doesn't mean everybody's going to drool at the sight of you. I was only speechless because of the amount of Takis you're stock piling."

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