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viewer's pov
The video starts and at first there's nothing but a black screen until the pikachu meme appears on the bottom right of the screen and someone starts speaking.
"Oh uhhh,we're recording? Oh cool um, hey everyone!"
White texts apear on the screen,following the boy's voice.
"No I'm not Brainwasher, Im just a...friend =) Anyway,I only came here to share some important information??!! Can you guess what it is?? Drumroll please.."
The drumroll sound effect starts playing and when it finishes some low quality animated confetti is thrown on the screen.
"Brainwasher does another QnA!!!! But this one,is an ultra special one! Some really hot juicy tea is gonna be spilt today my dudes! Your wig's gonna be snatched yo- Ok im being signaled to stop,sorry :')"
A little sweat drop and some apologetically turned up eyebrows appear on the pikachu but then disapear after he starts talking again.
"Anyway, go ask in the comments and find Brainwasher's deepest secrets!! I am once again signaled to stop so sorry again,but yeah! Oh,and so you wont fall off your chairs,beds or tables or whatever you're on,theres gonna be a face reveal! Im gonna be there too so ask me too if you want! So yeah,enough about me,see ya on the next videoooo!!"
The video finishes with a little heart appearing next to the pikachu as it winks,which is obviously drawn on ms paint cause its pretty bad. But they tried.
And then the video ends.


how about y'all ask questions for the channel? Like act as if you're a fan and stuff and comment questions?? Not that im super uncreative,psshht,whadareya talkin about? Well yea im super uncreative but i think it would also be super fun to see what questions yall can come up! And you can ask as many questions you want uwu 💓

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