Part 9: Pineapple Pizza Girl

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Brian anxiously waited out in the lobby for Nova to come out. They guys had already taken off, wishing him luck and pretty much everyone cleared out and went home, except for a few employees that were still at the bar. He sat on a plush chair in the corner of the room, casually scrolling through emails on his phone to pass the time. 

"I'm sorry sir, we are closing soon, I'm going to have to ask you to leave" He heard a voice say in front of him. He picked his head up and smirked to see that it was Nova. "I'm sorry miss, I just can't do that. You see I'm waiting for someone" He said playing along. "Oh really? Well I hate to tell you but everyone has gone home, there's no one here" Nova teased. 

"You sure?" Q cocked an eye brow and looked around. "The person I'm waiting for, I mean you can't miss her...She's about yay high, covered in feathers and glitter, she kinda resembles Big Bird, but much much prettier...." Q joked, continuing to look around. Nova cracked up laughing. 

"She sounds...Eccentric..." She said, rolling her eyes. "Well the truth is, I don't really know if she is or not. But I hope she will give me the chance to find out" Q said, giving her a smile that she was really starting to adore. 

Snapping back to reality and lightly shaking her head, Nova asked "Well aren't you sweet...So where did you want to go?"

"Well I know you just got off, are you hungry? There's a good pizza joint just a couple blocks from here that I know of" He answered, standing up. Q was always up for pizza, even though he just ate a three course meal. Originally he had planned to take her to a coffee shop, but he would feel bad if her stomach was growling the whole time they were getting to know each other. Luckily they were in the city that never sleeps so they had options. 

"Actually pizza sounds really good, I don't normally eat when I'm here, it never sits well with my nerves" She said happily. "OK then, pizza it is" Q said, leading the way out the doors. 

As they walked the two blocks to the pizzeria, Q began to compliment her on her voice and her last performance. "You should'a seen the way some of those old couples were looking at you, it was so adorable, it was like watching my parents on their first date" he gushed. "Yeah, I love the clientele we get at that place, everyone is always so nice and very respectful, it makes it much easier to get up there and...You know, do what I do."

"Wait, so you still get nervous every time you perform?" Q asked, looking over at her. Nova frowned and nodded her head. "Yeah...As much as I love to sing, it's still pretty nerve wracking for me to get up there. I'm weird about having all the attention on me and performing in front of big crowds. I always have to take a bunch of deep breath's whenever I'm about to get on stage, I always get through it but it's always a fight with myself to take that first step" Nova explained. 

"Huh, wow, well you could'a fooled me....And that is coming from someone who has been show business for years. You were really something tonight" Q said, trying to make her feel better.  

"Thanks, I appreciate you saying that. Do you ever get nervous before you do a comedy show?" Nova asked. She had done enough research on him to know how extensive his comedy career was. 

"You know I used to, but I have gotten so comfortable being uncomfortable, after all the horrible challenges and punishments I've had to do on the show, I'm pretty much immune to stage fright." Q explained.

"Yeah, that makes sense. I've seem some clips of your show on YouTube, I honestly don't know how you guys do it, I would probably either cry or throw up if I had to do any of that stuff."

"Oh trust me, sometimes I still want to, it's not easy but somehow you just kinda push through it and just keep telling yourself it will all be over soon."  

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