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Odes of Old

Cover: 5/10

Description: 4/10

Grammar: 9/10

Style: 10/10

Intrigue Factor: 5/10


I think your cover is ok, the colours compliment each other and it stands out. There were some things that I did not love though: (1) It was a little bit blurry and hard to see some of the details and writing (2) I cannot really see what it is meant to be, to me it doesn't really relate to the story and all of the images on it don't really go together. I do think it is ok though but if you want readers to really take an interest in it then you may want to think of a way to spice it up a bit, the first thing someone will judge a book be is it's cover, you can't really blame them, it's the first thing they will see! I did like the first part of your description but I think you gave too much away in it after you finished with the poem, which was beautiful by the way, maybe if you wanted to improve it you could put something like this after your poem:

"The story of an ambitious king, his kingdom besieged,the tale of the traveller and his untrained eye for true beauty and the man who dreamed of roaming the world to its end. Each story ends a different way, none the same, so how do you think they will end?"

I did not judge you on your plot because I find it very hard to find a solid base line for a story of poems or short stories because each is different, I hope you are ok with that? Your grammar had little to no mistakes in it, I could practically find none! I love your writing style, your poems are beautiful and heart warming, you have an amazing way with words and the vocabulary you use is fantastic! I love that you kept it all rhyming, some people may find it very hard to keep that sort of pattern going throughout a whole poem so well done!

I think your book is very intriguing but I think that because in every chapter there is something different it is very hard to judge on how intrigued I am of the whole book because I know in the next chapter there will be something completely different, yet, in a way that makes it even more intriguing because by now I really love your work and I cannot wait to keep reading and I am interesting in seeing what comes next!

Overall, you got a great score, well done, this is a great read for people that enjoy poetry or short stories, I love it!

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