
52 4 2

Mr Right

Cover: 8/10

Description: 7/10

Grammar: 9/10

Plot: 9/10

Style: 10/10

Intrigue Factor: 9/10


Your cover is very nice, the background picture is very pretty and the white writing stands out very well against the picture. There was only two things that I noticed: (1) I don't know if you meant for the title not to be centred but it is slightly left of the middle, again, I don't know if that's how you wanted it and it also isn't an issue either, I just didn't know. (2) The writing underneath the title was a little bit blurry but not majorly, you could still read it.

Your description was nice but I think that the first paragraph was a bit factual, you talked about her having a long lasting relationship with her boyfriend and a good job but you don't talk about her emotions or how she views the situation. You could maybe try something like this? 

'April White finally feels like she has a grasp on life, but of course that couldn't last. Her fiancé does the unforgivable and cheats on her whilst her job and finances go rushing down the drain.'

 I love the rest of it though!

I could find only find a few grammar mistakes and you used some very good vocabulary so well done! I love the plot for this story, it is a relatable story to many people in the world (the cheating part) but you have developed the plot very well. At the end of every chapter you leave us with a cliffhanger that makes me want to read on and on. I really like the plot because even though the idea of a girl who got cheated on and then found someone else is written about quite a lot you have made it original and I love it, well done!

You have an amazing writing style! You don't give too much information out in each chapter and you keep the reader interested. Your character developments are very good as well. When I first read about April I thought she seemed a bit shy but now I have read some more she seems so much more confident and a bit feisty and funny. I do think that we could maybe see a bit more of  Callum though as I wasn't sure why he just kind of popped up and then we haven't seen him since but I really like your style and the plot so far well done!

You have kept the reader very interested as you have added a cliffhanger at the end of almost every chapter and it works very well! I like that this is a very relatable story to a lot of people in the world as well. I like that you haven't given too much away either so great job! I really love this book and I honestly can't wait for you to update! 

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