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A Lie in a Church

Cover: 9/10

Description: 8/10

Grammar: 7/10

Style: 10/10

Plot: 8/10

Intrigue Factor: 9/10


Your cover is beautiful! I love the background image, it goes with the story and you can clearly see what it is meant to be and the fonts for the title compliment it very well. The only thing I picked up on is that the authors name is the tiniest bit blurry but it is barely noticeable anyway.

Your description is good, you haven't given too much away but you have sparked the readers interest by pointing out the reasons why the groom was obviously lying. I couldn't find much to fault with it except that I think for the last line you could have said:

'And her big sister to deny ever even knowing her, and that might just have been the hardest part of all.'

And that you maybe could have structured the last three parts of the description differently, maybe something like this:

'A lie in Church, that was all it took for her parents to kick her out of the house, fro her beloved Boyfriend to toss her aside and break her heart and for her sister to deny ever knowing her.'

There were a few grammar mistakes within your book but they are only minor, just check your word placements and there was frequent full stops or punctuation missing from your speech sentences throughout the book.

You have a great writing style, you have good descriptions and you have developed your characters well from the start making all of their personalities clear and fun to read about. You haven't given too much away about Tristan and his secrets throughout the book which is great because it makes the reader to read on and find out what he is hiding. I like that you have two parts to your book as well, I was really excited when I saw the sneak peak I just had to know what would happen next!

I have seen the idea of a billionaire and a girl that hate each other at first and then fall in love before quite a bit but you have a unique side to your book that you have extra characters that make it different from the others, for example, you have all of Chloe's ex boyfriends who have all done something to her that have shaped how she became in the future and that at first she didn't even like Tristan, she preferred Adrian so well done for that. Your book is very interesting to read because Adrian and Tristan are holding back all of these secrets that Chloe is desperately trying to find out. As I said earlier I found it very interesting that you had two parts to your book and that made it very interesting as a reader because at the end of part one Chloe had run away from Tristan after finding out the difference, it left me wondering what would happen next and I had to read on, especially when I found out about the three year difference between each part and the secret Chloe had been keeping in the meantime. It made it really interesting as a reader that you also added a 'villain' to the book who was tormenting Tristan, it made me really want to find out what was going to happen, who was hurting Tristan and why. 

This was a great book to read, I honestly loved it, you did a great job creating a great plot line which was great.

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