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Before It All

Cover: 8/10

Description: 8/10

Grammar: 8/10

Plot: 8/10

Style: 8/10

Intrigue Factor: 8/10


I love your cover! The background images works amazing with the title font and colour! The only thing I noticed was that the font of the author name didn't really match up with the title or the image. Maybe if you tried making it smaller or a different font it would work better. It still looks amazing it is just that I think the font is a bit contrasting to the rest of the writing on the cover.

Your description is very good, I love that you started it off with questions which makes the reader think. I like that after the first paragraph of questions you start talking a bit about what was going to happen but it didn't give away how those words were going to impact the story, I love it! Well done, I couldn't really find a fault in it until after I had read the story through. So far I have found no particular connection between your description and your story so I am a bit confused but I know that it will probably come up later when you update so it is not a bad thing.

I found a few grammar mistakes and typos within the story but they were nothing to major. One of the grammar mistakes was quite a bit of the time you are putting a space before a comma which is not supposed to be there but overall your grammar and vocabulary is pretty good. I really like your plot but I think that it is moving a bit too quickly. You started off with Ariana and Arian getting disowned and then moved straight away onto the gang aspect of the story, I think that you should have had a pause between these two aspects of the story and included a bit more on Ariana and Arian's emotions and views on the matter. 

As I said the story does move on pretty quickly but other than that I really like your writing style. You didn't give away all of the information about the gang straight away and you told us what happened to Damian after the gun wound which ads to the suspense as we do not know why Carter has locked him up. 

I think that your story is very interesting as you do not expect Ariana to be fighting for a gang and the story is filled with suspense as I want to know what is going to happen next, well done! I really enjoyed reading this book and I can't wait for the next chapter!

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