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Planned Love

Cover: 7/10

Description: 7/10

Grammar: 6/10

Style: 9/10

Character Development: 8/10

Intrigue Factor: 8/10

Plot: 8/10


I really like your cover, the background colours are nice and work with the images of the people you have on the front, I like the half and half diagonal effect. Your text size is good for your authors name and title and they are clear to see, it really like the word "planned" which is inside the same word, it creates a nice effect. I like the font colour and the alternating and contrasting colours on the world "Love", well done, it looks great! The only thing I could find is that the people on the cover are a bit blurry at their outlines, if you look around them then you will see that they are not very high definition and they are a bit blurry. Other than that, it is really nice!

Your description is good, you have stated some facts about your story that will grab the readers attention and make them want to read on. The only thing I really picked up on was your grammar and punctuation. Throughout the description you missed out full stops, commas and one or two apostrophes. In this line their should be two commas: "A plan, a trick, a tragedy and true love". And when you have the word "Its", both times there should be an apostrophe because you are making the words "it is" shorter so it should be "it's".

Your grammar throughout the book wasn't bad but I did find quite a lot of grammar mistakes, the writing was still readable but it would make it easier to read if you just went through your writing again and checked through it.

You have a great writing style! Throughout the book you kept me interested and I love that you don't just have your writing from the perspective/point of view of Cara, you have it of Ryan too which made me get to know both of the characters better, well done! The only thing I picked up on was the grammar but that can be easily fixed.

Your character development is very good! As I said before you have the two different perspectives throughout your writing and I have gotten to know both Ryan and Cara better through this technique instead of just learning things through the eyes of just one character. I love that the two characters contrast each other so much! You have Cara-the sweet and innocent one and Ryan-the rude and arrogant one. They are so different but they have an amazing bond that even 6 years hasn't made go away, well done! 

I think that your book is interesting and I was compelled to read more, I can't wait to read your next update! I saw that on some chapters you leave very effective cliffhangers that made me want to read on so well done for that too!

Your plot is unique and it is developing nicely! I have seen things like this before but you have made it original and unique so well done! Again, I like that you have your two different perspectives but I also like that you are not giving too much away in each chapter, if you give everything away in the first chapter then there would be no point reading on! You are spacing everything out very well and making the story interesting, good job!

"Planned love" was a great read and I really enjoyed it, I can't wait to read more!

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