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When Night Comes

Cover: 8/10

Description: 7/10

Grammar: 8/10

Plot: /10

Style: 10/10

Intrigue Factor: 8/10


I love your cover, it is very aesthetic and beautiful the only thing that I picked up on is that there is some writing at the top of the cover but I cannot read it, as well the author name is a tiny bit blurry but I can still read it though, other than that I really like it!

Your description is effective even though there is only a few sentences. I like that you have a quote from the book at the top, it is very interesting and makes the reader want to find out what it means. You used the word 'defy' a lot in the description which creates a good impact on the reader but you lack detail. I like the quote and I like the sentence about the prince, the girl and the god but I think you could have another small paragraph on the end that adds more detail and creates an attachment for the reader, I do not think there is enough incentive for some readers. 

You have pretty much no grammar mistakes so well done! The only thing I would say is that in the first chapter I read with Apollo and Helen in it I was confused when I went on to the next chapter because I didn't know whether the point of view had changed or not so I was unsure who I was reading about, maybe at the start of each new chapter say whose perspective you are writing from, I do notice that you stated the point of view in other chapters though.(I didn't know which section this came from so I put it in grammar)

You have a very nice writing style, I think that everyone has a writing style that is just right for them. I do think that you could have given a bit more information around chapter twelve about Manya's disappearance but only little, without this explained we can notably grasp the intensity of the conversation between Manya and her parents.  

Your plot is amazing, I love the book! Throughout the book you already know that Freyja is the daughter of the Padat Family but no one else does, it creates a big sense of irony that the readers know something the other characters do not and that works very well. I like the big twist where she has to change her appearance again and take on a whole different persona with different thoughts and a different life style and you get to read about this amazing girl who is working so hard for what she believes is right and what she thinks has to be done, I love it!

Your plot has been developed nicely and I love the way this book is heading, I can't wait to read more! Well done!

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