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We Are Ruination

Cover: 7/10

Description: 7/10

Grammar: 8/10

Plot: 9/10

Style: 10/10

Intrigue Factor: 8/10


I love your cover, the colours on the front blend together perfectly and the warm tones of the red and the cold tones of the grey/blue work amazingly together. The title stands out and the font you have used compliments the cover very well there is only one thing that I would say could be improved: I noticed that there was writing at the bottom of the cover but I couldn't read it because it is a bit blurry and you have used a very thin font that blends into the background colour, almost camouflaging it to the reader. Your authors name did stand out a but more but I think there is something underneath it but again, I can't see it.

 Your description was very good, it made the reader think about the story, wondering what was going to happen as you used a great technique where you asked questions to the reader before they read it and you didn't give too much away. I do think that when you say that she has to 'wed or kill Mahalia' you could have said 'either could save her', and end the description on that note, let the reader guess what has to happen, it leaves them interested and gives a twist because they wouldn't know what your two choices were. Other than that I really liked your description, well done!

 While I was reading I did find a few little grammar mistakes but they were nothing to big, just some typos. I absolutely love your writing style, the way you have written this book is amazing, you have put so much feeling and the way your writing comes across is great! Your descriptions are great, your characters are very well developed and you have used good vocabulary and I am really enjoying it. I can't wait to keep reading!

Your book is very interesting, I love the plot as well. The idea that tradition has been broken and that Reverie has to make a huge decision that either way will effect her life massively, whatever she chooses it will have a massive impact and while I was reading I was like, "What's he going to choose?!" I really like that you have added loads of twists and turns throughout the book and I think your characters are developed amazingly, well done! 

This is a very enjoyable read and I can't wait to read more! Well done, you did a great job!

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