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Late Last June

Cover: 7/10

Description: 8/10

Grammar: 9/10

Style: 10/10

Plot: 9/10


I really like the background image to your cover! It portrays the fact that it is summer very well which relates it to the story. The font and size you used for the cover is nice, you can clearly see it and read it. The only thing I could spot on the cover is that all of the other writing on it is a bit too small and the tiniest bit blurry so I can't read it very easily, but other than that I really like the cover so well done!

Your description is good, I especially like the first sentence where you talk about the procedure where she would die. The description is quite simple but effective and I like that you don't give away too much to me at once, it makes the reader want to pick up the book and read. I did notice that in the description you have written 'proceeder' instead of 'procedure' but overall, well done.

I really love your writing style. I like that throughout the chapter you have the events of Eve's death coming back to Vivian while she is waiting for the procedure. I like that you have made Vivian's memories into an italic font, it makes it very clear to the reader that these things are not happening in the present tense.

Your grammar was pretty good! You have used a wide range of vocabulary and, again, I love the use of the italic font to add that clarity of what was past tense and what was present tense.

Your plot was very creative and I really enjoyed the story. Again, I loved reading about the lake and about Vivian's sister and then also getting little insights to the event from Vivian's memories, it had a great effect on the reader. Your story was very original and unique, well done.

I did not mark your story on the intrigue factor as it was a short story.

Overall, I think that your story is very good, I really enjoyed reading it. It kept me interested and I liked the different writing techniques that you used throughout. Well done!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 ⏰

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