Chapter 1, Part 2 ~ Are we boyfriends?

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Drift wakes up wrapped in Raptor's arms, still nuzzled in his chest. He lay there, thinking back to what they did last night. Oh my god, are we now boyfriend & boyfriend? Did we just ruin our friendship? Is he gonna ghost me? These thoughts raced through Drift's mind, as he didn't wanna wake Raptor, but he also wanted to get cleaned up. Drift finally smuggled his way out of Raptor's grasp, and he grabbed their "fluid" stained clothes from last night, and bring them out of the room to the washer. Drift decided do wash them both, because why not? Drift turn on the washer, and set it to 'Quick'. As the washer is starting up, he hears his bed creak from his room, which indicates that Raptor is probably getting up. Drift gets up, and enters his room. "M-morning.." Drift say, giving him a grin. Raptor looked at him for a second, and then smirked. "M-morning, babe." Raptor chuckled. Drift sighed in relief, now knowing that things aren't awkward (well they were, it just felt different).  "I'm just washing our c-clothes, you know, because they had stains from our little adventure last night." Drift says, smirking under his mask. "Thanks, and I can still see that you're quirky, walking around naked." Raptor blushes immensely, seeing Drift without clothes (except for his mask, which was still on). Raptor stands up, and stretches, and walks over to Drift. (note: they're both naked) They pull each other into a kiss, which causes them to both blush. "I'm gonna take a shower, my whole body is encrusted with your cum." Drift groans, stepping out of the dirty room. Raptor leans forward and grabs his lover's hand. "I'll join the fun!" Raptor bounces, becoming his obnoxious self. Drift tenses. "Raptor, you're the opposite of calm, there's NO way you're coming in with me! Wait until your turn!" Drift snaps, making Raptor cross his arms. "Pleaseeee!~ I won't do anythingg!!" Raptor pleaded, looking into Drift's shining hazel eyes. Drift closed his eyes, annoyed, as Raptor jokingly kept begging. "Fine! Fine! You can join, but NO sex..yet!" Drift says, trying to break eye contact with Raptor. Damn, he is wicked hot! Drift smiled and followed him in. Drift got towed for then, and turned on the shower. They both held hands as they watched the water heat up, and as steam filled the bathroom. Drift steps in, letting his body soak in the hot water. Raptor steps in right after, putting his hands up to guide the water into his hair. "Ah! Bro the water is fucking hot! Turn it down!" Raptor yelps, backing into the opposite side on the shower wall. "What do you mean? It's perfect!" Drift says, turning up the heat. This only agitates Raptor, as he reacts to the sudden heat increase. "Bro, seriously! I'm gonna burn!" Raptor yells, trying to get Drifts attention. Finally, Drift gives in and turns down the heat. "That's better. Thanks daddy!" Raptor cooes. Drift rolls his eyes to Raptor's remark, and proceeds to wash his body, trying to scrape off Raptor's nut. It seemed like Raptor does the same, as he starts doing the same. "Bro you're so lucky it's only on your stomach and chest! I literally have YOUR cum in my eyebrows and hair!" Raptor groans. "Well you wanted it~" Drift teases, rubbing Raptor's cheek softly, which makes him blush. Raptor then pushes Drift against the wall, and grabs his hands and pins them above his head. "Raptor what the- mmm" Drift starts, but gets cut off by Raptor forcing a kiss on him. "You were very naughty!~" Raptor teases, making Drift blush. "Raptor, please~" Drift moans, wanting more. "I thought you didn't want to do anything..;)" Raptor teases more. Drift looks into Raptor's brown eyes, and sees the water dripping off Raptor's chin, and bouncing off his body made Drift wanna be touch all over Raptor, to explore even more! Drift then escaped Raptor's grasp raptor into a passionate kiss, sliding their tongues into each other's mouths, feeling what they have to offer. They were fighting for dominance, to see which one could keep their tongues in each other's mouth longer, and of course, Drift won. Drift pulled Raptor into his arms, and wrapped around super tight, making the money even more sexier! Raptor grabbed Drift back, and put up a fight again with the kiss, with him sliding his tongue all over the inside of Drift's mouth, exploring each crevice of Drift. They were hugging tight now, and it wasn't just a big hug anymore, it was two bodies trying to merge into one! Raptor rubs his hand over Drift's chest, feeling his muscles, and how hard they were, and how hot it would be if he slid his tongue over them. Drift pulled away from the kiss, leaving a saliva line. Drift then kissed and bites Raptor's chest, and lowers himself all the way down, leaving hickeys and bite marks as he goes. Raptor moans with pleasure, making his member even harder than it was (I don't know how harder Raptor could be yikes!) Drift starts licking the tip of Raptor's dick, making Raptor moan even louder. "Please slurp it Drift! I want you!" Raptor moans, as he starts to breath heavier. Drift starts putting Raptor's member into his mouth, but then takes it out. "Not until later!" Drift teases, as he kisses Raptor passionately. "Whaaa?! Cmon bro! Pleaseee~" Raptor begs, making his eyes wide for Drift. Drift looks into Raptor's eyes, and smirks. "Too bad." Drift grins, and proceeds to pull Raptor into a hug. "You're no fun!" Raptor jokes, as he pulls Drift in. "I love you." Drift says, looking Raptor straight into his eyes. Raptor licks his lips, and proceeds to take Drift away from the wall he was originally against. "I love you too, baby." Raptor smiles, and holds Drift's hand. They stand there for a few moments (yet it felt like 2 minutes) and Drift turns off the water, and they dry off. Before they exit the bathroom, Drift slaps Raptor's right ass, making his lurch forward in pain, but also in pleasure. "F-fuck!" Raptor yelps, but also secretly likes it. Drift chuckles, and goes into his room to get dressed. After they both get changed, they decide to go to Durr Burger to get breakfast, since it was only 10 AM, and breakfast ends at 11. Drift makes his order, while Raptor makes his, and they sit down at a table, waiting for their number to be called. "Bro, have you heard about that new Fortnite game?" Raptor says, trying to make a conversation. "That sequel to the first? Yeah! It looked awesome!" Drift replies, playing with his pop socket on his phone case. "I hope it comes out soon. I absolutely hate waiting." Raptor groans, being kinda dramatic. Drift rolls his eyes. "It's probably gonna be another 8 years, let's be honest. It's not everyday that Epic makes a Fortnite game." Drift says, half joking. Raptor laughs, and then looks at Drift, really closely. "H-hey bro." Raptor says, stuttering. Drift stops staring off into space, and shifts his attention to his boyfriend. "What's up?" Drift replies, feeling uneasy. "How come you always wear that mask?" Raptor asks, as he is wearing his yellow ski mask. All sounds fade, as Drift struggles to come up with a reason. But deep down, Drift knows why he wears a face mask. He takes it off sometimes, to brush his teeth and to take a shower (and when his annoying team mates decide to steal it and snap a photo of him without it). "Err...reasons..." Drift mumbles, looking down at the pattern on the wooden surface. Raptor leans in. "Cmon, please tell me.." Raptor begs, wanting to know the answer. "W-well i-it's uhmm. Well w-w-why do you wear a m-mask?" Drift asks, trying to drift the attention away from him. "Well, I uh, don't actually know. It just looks better I guess-WAIT! I know what you're trying to do! You're trying to change the subjec-" Raptor snaps, but gets cut off by the cashier yelling their order number. "ORDER 69!" 
"That's us! I'll get it!" Drift shoots up, trying to smuggle his way out of the mask question. Thankfully, Raptor forgets about it and talks about technology while he's eating, which makes Drift interested, since Raptor looks dumb, but strangely adorable when he talks while eating (it doesn't looks gross).
The two went on talking about some ancient weapon until they see a peculiar figure enter the restaur- oh wait, wrong story! (sorry PatriciaPattyAss i thought it was funny lmao)
After they finished their meals, they decide to go to the plaza. They held hands as they wandered through the plaza, gazing through windows, trying to decide to see if they can afford it. "I could really use another laptop!" Drift snickered, as he mocked the 'Buy one, get one, 10% off' sale on computers at some over priced tech store. "Yeah, heard the owner is an ass." Raptor gossiped, glaring at the cashier behind the counter. They go up to another window. "Drift, you should wear those skinny jeans. You'll look real hot!" Raptor suggested, smiling. "Nah, I like my pa-" Drift began, but got interrupted. "Your ass will look great in those..." Raptor cooed seductively. Drift blushes, thinking about Raptor's reaction seeing him in tight jeans. Drift shakes his head. "Probably later, i'll look gay in it ;)" Drift jokes. "Wow, everybody laughed!" Raptor mocked, playfully shoving Drift. Drift returns the gesture by shoving him even harder, which Raptor was about to get Drift back when Drift dodges at the last second. "You actually suck!" Drift laughs, and wraps his arms around Raptor. They both wrap their arms around each other, feeling warmer than the temperature outside, which was a ridiculously hot summer day. Raptor's iPhone chirped, and he checks it. "Ah, gotta go meet yo with squad. I'll meet you at your place later. See ya babe!" Raptor says, kissing Drift on the forehead. "Y-yeah, see ya later." Drift blushes, returning the favor by kissing Raptor's cheek. Drift watches as his boyfrie- wait! Did they become boyfriends? "RAPTOR! Wait!" Drift yells, catching up with Raptor. Some people start staring. "Uh yeah??" Raptor asks. Drift looks down at his feet, and starts blushing intensely. "A-are we o-officially b-boyfriend??" Drift asks, turning beet red as people watch them. Raptor looks into Drift's deep hazel eyes. "Of course we are!!" Raptor booms, pulling Drift into a passionate kiss. Some people were in aw watching us, while a few were weirded out, but as long as their together, they don't need anyone's opinion. When they stop kissing, Raptor starts walking away. "I'll meet you at home, my prince!" Raptor says, winking. "Okay, your majesty!" Drift winks back. As they go their separate ways, Drift put his hands in his pockets and looks at the clear blue sky. "Hey!" A distant voice called. Drift ignored it. "Drift!" The voice calls again. Drift looks around, and doesn't see anyone. Odd. Drift thought. Then, he heard a pair of speed-walking feet storm toward him. "Drift you whore!" The voice calls. This time, Drift whips around, only to be punched in the face by some blonde girl! Drift gets knocked onto his back, as bystander gasp and rush over to me. "You lying fag!" is all Drift hears as his vision goes blurry, and blacks out.

Hey y'all! Did you like it? Who is this "mystery" girl, and why is she being homophobic to my beautiful Drift? And why does Drift always wear a mask? I hope you liked this second part! Please leave suggestions below, and give me feedback if you want! ❤️

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