Chapter 20, part 2 ~ Drift VS Velocity

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I chase after them, dropping the crystal on the counter and sprinting. "RAPTORRR!" I scream, trying to catch up to them. I jump down the stairs, skipping multiple steps at a time just to catch up to speed with them, but by the time I got to the bottom, they were already gone. "FUCK!" I say to myself, wrapping my hands around my head in stress. Where the hell could they be? How did Velocity get inside his apartment? Why did Raptor go with her?...
These questions danced around my mind, killing me as the answer to them was unknown. I can't let the love of my life leave like this...I must go. I kick open the doors and go out into the city, the cold air of Neo Tilted hitting me like a wave. I first head off into the direction of Raptor's work, as I can ask Raven and his other agents about Raptor and Velocity. I run through the city, and eventually get to the country side, as the agent base is located near Dusty Depot.

•5 minutes later (3rd person POV)•

As Drift runs through the grassy plains, he heard rustling in a nearby bush. He freezes. An animal? Drift looks at the direction where he hears it, and stare at it. "hnhhh....shhh someone's going to hear us." A suddenly whisper harshly, probably hushing someone, Drift thought. As if they saw Drift, the rustling silenced instantly. The air shifted, becoming more cold and unnerving as the seconds passed. What the hell... Drift thought, shuddering. "RAPTOR?" Drift shouted, wondering who was in the bush. No answer. All the sudden, a black figure bursts out of the bush, and charges FULL speed towards Drift, making him scream and run away, trying to get back to Neo. "WHAT THE-ARGHHH!!" Drift tries to outrun the figure, but it's too late, as she catches up and tackles him. "STAY DOWN!" Velocity demands, that pushing him face-first into the grass. Velocity jumps on Drift's ass, grabbing his hands behind his back and holding them. "VELCITY? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING??" Drift shouts, fear and anger spiking in him. She took Raptor! Where is he?! Drift thinks, his heart pounding. Velocity gives a devilish smirk. "I'm here to take back what's mine..."
Velocity then grabs a rock and smashes it against the side of Drift's head, knocking him out cold.

"We got both boys....RAPTOR, lift him up and take him to the base!"
Raptor obeys, and lifts Drift up over his back, carrying him military-style. Raptor's eyes are dark black, his whole body taken over by Velocity. He feels nothing, but deep inside, he sees everything happening, and he's screaming as he can't stop any of it.

Brite cusses to herself, wandering the lobby of the apartment complex, trying to find Drift. "Where could've he gone??" She asks Dusk, who is equally as worried. Dusk slaps her hand on her sides, frustrated. "Have no idea! I'm still trying to wrap my head around how Velocity got in the kitchen.." Dusk replies, shaking her head. Sanctum, Guild, and the other exit the stairwell and catch up to Brite and Dusk. "I..*pant* where are they!? *pant* " Sanctum asks, lowering his back as he crouched down on his knees, out of breath. Dusk rolls her eyes. "Don't know. Drift isn't here, and neither is Raptor and Velocity."
Verge then chirps up. "Are we not gonna talk about how weird it was for Velocity to just......i don't know, appear there. She most definitely couldn't be hiding...or could she?" Verge frowns his brow, overwhelmed. Guild walks up and pats Verge's back. "Don't work yourself over it, the most important thing now is to find Drift and Raptor!" Guild exclaims. "You're right. Anyone have any ideas?" Verge asks. The whole group goes silent for a minute, until Brite recommends something. "Hey, maybe we can track his phone!" Brite says excitedly. "I remember Raptor telling me something on how he installed Life 360 on Drift's phone secretly, so maybe if we can access his account.." "You're a genius!" Dusk says! "Yeah!" Guild joins in. "But wait." Sanctum interrupts, making everyone turn to him. "Don't we need a username and password in order to gain Raptor's account?" Sanctum asks, dazed. Brite, Dusk, Verge and Guild all groan with frustration. "Ughhhhhh. Can't we just track Drift's phone without the app?" Dusk asks. Guild's eyes light up, getting an idea. "Yeah! I think I know a way...." Guild replies as he takes out his phone. Guild looks down and starts typing something on his screen, and after a few seconds of swiping, Guild sees Drift's location. "HERE!" Guild shouts. The group runs up to Guild and huddle around his phone, all hasty to see. On the screen, it shows that Drift Dusty? "Wait, why would he be there...." Dusk asks suspiciously. Brite thinks for a second. "Well isn't the Agent vase near there? And since Velocity and Raptor are on the agent team, perhaps they're going to the agent base and Drift could be following them there!" Brite says with confidence. Sanctum's expression turns more serious, as his eyes glow purple. "Everyone, come outside with me....NOW!!" Everyone gets taken aback by Sanctum's booming voice, but follow his order and hurry outside with him and into the night city air. Even though there's many people nearby, Sanctum bends down on his knees and arches his back. "Get on! We're flying to Dusty.." Sanctum growls, as he squints his eyes angrily. "Wait what the hell? What do you mean love?" Guild asks, confused. Sanctum turns his head slightly. "You'll see." Brite, Dusk, Guild, and Verge all pile onto Sanctum's back, on top of each other so they can make room. "Ugh your elbows in my face!" Guild snickers at Verge. "Shut it kid." Verge rolls his eyes, shoving his elbow closer to Guild to tease him. "Say that again to him and I'll punch you in the jaw." Dusk says in a threatening way, her fangs showing for a split second. Verge gulps and moves his elbow away. "Ready?" Sanctum asks the group. "I think s-" "Great!" All the sudden, the black cape he wears grows and morphs into giant black wings, giving off black mist as they sway. Sanctum then launches sky-high into the darkness, the group screaming as they see the ground becoming more and more distant from them.
"Just behave a little longer, Drift and Raptor. We're coming!"

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