Chapter 11 ~ Embrace

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Drift silently wakes up, feeling completely sore from Raptor, but he didn't mind it. In fact, he missed the feeling of soreness oddly, since it's been a bit since they had sex. Sunlight pours in from the windows, illuminating the room. Damn, the sunlight woke me up, didn't it? Drift thinks to himself, frustrated that he forgot to close the shades. Drift inches his right arm to grab his phone, while his left arm is wrapped around Raptor. Drift doesn't get far, as he is weighed down by Raptor, who is currently drooling on Drift's neck. Raptor looks hella cute when he sleeps! Drift thought to himself, which instantly made him blush. Raptor's body was tan, something that Drift loved in a man, and Raptor was definitely a great top, considering his huge figure. Drift strokes Raptor's scalp, the rhythm of Raptor's breathing relaxing him. Raptor's eyes fluttered open, gazing into Drift. "Well, well, we'll, look who's awake?" Raptor says, smirking. Drift couldn't help but crack a smile. "Damn, back to your annoying self already?" Drift asks, putting his free hand back into Raptor's hair. "Aren't you sore?" Raptor asks, knowing the answer. Drift gave a aggravated look. "Yes, now let me take a bath." Drift groans, attempting to lift Raptor off his chest, only for Raptor to purposely turn limp to prevent Drift from lifting him up. "Ugh Raptor you're such an ass!" Drift groaned, throwing his head back into his pillow in discomfort. But instead of him hitting the pillow, his head hit the backboard of his wooden bed frame frame hard. "OW! FUCK!" Drift snapped, lifting both of his hands up to cushion the pain. "How'd that feel?" Raptor chuckles, sitting up straight. Drift hisses, glaring straight a Raptor. "You're so fucking annoying!" Drift hissed, shifting his hips so Raptor's butt isn't sitting on his shaft. "Babe don't move~ I love sitting on your specialty!" Raptor cooes seductively, shifting his hips in the direction where Drift moved. Drift, once again, shifted his hips the other way, grunting in discomfort. Drift has a bitch face on, warning Raptor to not mess with him. Of course, Raptor ignores Drift, and shifts his hips in the direction of Drift, crushing Drift's length. "SHIT! OW OW!" Drift yells, and forcefully shoved Raptor off his lap, moving back against the bed frame in pain. Raptor falls back, shocked. "...What the fuck Drift?" Raptor says, slowly getting up. Drift's facial expression stays fierce, glaring straight at Raptor. "You're so fucking annoying! Why can't you just listen for once?" Drift asks, grabbing his face mask and putting it on. Raptor still stares at him in disbelief. "Well why did you push me?! I was only joking!" Raptor states, trying to calm Drift down. Drift scoffs. "Yeah, well, you don't need to fucking crush my balls!" Drift snarls, stepping out of bed. Raptor frowns. "Listen, babe, I'm sorry. I was only joking! You have to calm down, you're being so over dramatic!" Raptor exclaims, lifting himself out of bed. Drift stops picking up his clothes, and turns around. "I'm literally not gonna deal with you right now." Drift says sternly. Raptor sighs, and lays back. It was no use arguing with Drift, since sometimes if he woke up wrong he'll wake up in a bad mood. Luckily, they don't happen as often as they used to, and he's slowly starting to get out of that habit, but every once in a while, he'll be in a bad mood when he wakes up. Drift walks out of their bedroom, and heads towards the bathroom, with the sound of water being turned on after he closed the door. Their apartment was quiet, too quiet, actually. Raptor decides to wash off too, so he puts on a brown shirt and some sweats, and heads towards the bathroom. Raptor turns the knob, expecting it to open, but instead, it stops turning abruptly, indicating it was locked. Fuck, Drift must be in a REAL bad mood. Raptor thought to himself. Something must've been bothering Drift, because hitting his head shouldn't set him off.

Raptor grabs the key above the door, and manually unlocks it, opening the door. A cloud of hot steam blows in his face, as Raptor closes the door behind him and strips off his clothes. "Raptor...." Drift says in a warning tone. Raptor ignores this, and knows that all Drift needs is some love and support and that'll cheer him up. Raptor opens the curtains part way, and steps in, to be met with a upset Drift, sitting on the floor, curled up. Showers were always a great thinking place for Drift, especially if he was upset. Raptor closes the curtain, and turns to Drift, who looks at him with anxiousness mixed with annoyance. Raptor kneels down, crawling towards Drift, who shifts over to make room for Raptor. Raptor sits down next to Drift, and wraps a arm around Drift's shoulder to pull him close to his body. "Everything aright?" Raptor asks in a soft tone. Drift turns his gaze to Raptor, and stays silent for a second. The hot water runs down Drift's lower body, not touching his chest or head, with the steam filling up the bathroom. Drift slowly shakes his head, and lays his head on Raptor's shoulder. "My dad is moving onto this island..." Drift says, closing his eyes. Raptor goes wide-eyed. "What?! You mean-" Raptor says in disbelief. "Yes! I mean in my father who beat the living shit out of me when I was younger, and my homophobic mother and sister!" Drift says shakily. "T-they may be m-moving close by." Drift states. Raptor pulls Drift into a side-hug, comforting Drift. "Drift.....I-i'm sorry. I didn't know." Raptor states in a sigh, feeling guilty for dragging Drift this morning. "Drift seriously I'm....." Raptor struggles to find the right words to comfort Drift. "No Raptor. It's okay. You didn't know." Drift says, reassuring Raptor that Drift was the one to be bitchy towards him that morning. Drift takes off his face mask, and pulls Raptor into a passionate kiss, wrapping his arms around his head. Raptor was surprised at Drift's sudden affection, but didn't care. Raptor kisses back twice as hard, their tongues twirling in each other's mouths. Drift wraps his legs around Raptor's waist, still interlocked in a kiss. Raptor explores the inside of Drift's cavern, moaning softly to please Drift. Drift pulls away abruptly. "Hmm...let's kiss somewhere else~" Drift whispers, licking his lips. Raptor rolls his eyes, and chuckles. They turn off the after, dry off, and leave the bathroom, hand in hand. Raptor lays down on the couch, and motions Drift to lay on top of him. "Driftyyy~~~" Raptor calls in a sing-song tone, inviting Drift. Drift turns to face Raptor. "No, let me be bottom, you've done too much for me, and I feel bad." Drift offers, lending Raptor a hand. "No, my gift for you. You have too much on your mind, so let me take that off of you~" Raptor insists, motioning Drift to lay on top of him. Oh well, there's no way to change Raptor's mind. Drift thought to himself. Drift takes off his towel, and lays down on Raptor, facing him. They reconnect lips, with Drift attempting to dominate Raptor's little tongue war, which of course, he loses. As Raptor let's Drift put his tongue inside his mouth, Raptor moves his hands towards Drift's cheeks, and caresses them. Drift blushes from Raptor's affection, and kisses harder. Raptor moves his hands from Drift's ass, and instead pulls Drift into a hug. " you~" Raptor whispers, pulling away for a brief moment. Drift scratches the back of his head, embarrassed to look at Raptor, which of course, Raptor notices and teases Drift about it. "Awwwww, is someone embarrassed to look at their little boyfriend?" Raptor teases, laughing. Drift looks at Raptor in annoyance. "Hmph! You're still an ass, even when we do makeup sex!" Drift says, joking. Raptor raises a brow. "We're doing makeup sex?" Raptor asks, not realizing. "Well not exactly, but..." Drift realizes he's been blabbering for too long, and they reconnect lips. "Ungh! Raptor your lips are so.." Drift tries to speak, but Raptor smashes his lips into Drift, showing him that Drift doesn't need words. Raptor loves the feel of Drift's chest against his, and Drift's hot breath against his face. Raptor moans softly, showing satisfaction. Drift stops kissing, and lays his head on Raptor's neck, not in a kissing mood. "Can we....." Drift starts slowly, but struggles to find the words. "Cuddle? Yeah, i want to to." Raptor says, smiling. Raptor wraps his arms around Drift, and they lay there, wrapped in each other's embrace and warmth, feeling each other's heartbeats.

Hey everyone. Sorry this chapter took so long. I'm on vacation, so I didn't have enough time to write 🤭.
I'm so happy I finished this chapter though! What do you guys think? Suggestions are always great.
As always, i love you guys ❤️❤️

Drift and Raptor ~ a gay love storyWhere stories live. Discover now