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Have you ever had that feeling of pure utter bliss? Where you literally feel like you are floating on cloud 9. Where everything feels perfect and you are one hundred percent happy. Being on this tour has made me feel exactly that. Over the last three days I have met some of my best friends and most favorite people on the planet and I was able to start a tour that was making all of my dreams come true.

We were at the first tour stop in Phoenix and things were already getting crazy. We could hear everyone outside chanting the boys names. All of us were running around the inside of the building helping to get our merch set up and getting ropes set up to form some sort of organization. We knew as soon as the door opened it would be chaos, but it was a chaos we were all ready to welcome.

"Ok, so here is how this is going to go down," our manager, Trent, said as he stood up on the small makeshift stage. You boys are going to be up on the stage in a line. The girls will come in and will form a line to meet you all. Please try to keep your encounters short enough so we aren't here all night. You can give hugs, take pictures, but try to avoid handing out your life story. Now, Baker, Madi, and Cynthia, you all can mingle around the line. You three will have microphones and will be able to talk over the music. Try to make it fun. You can also stop for pictures and you have the freedom to talk a little bit more because you won't be holding up the main line. Just remember everyone, have fun. And remember some of these girls are going to be overly emotional. If you ever feel like it's becoming too much or you just need to take a step back or you feel you're in danger throw up a signal and one of us will come to you."

"How many people are supposed to be coming?" Anthony questioned, placing his hands on top of his orange beanie.

"Around 1500. Five hundred have early access and then the rest will follow," Trent explained and we all nodded our heads.

"Fifteen hundred? My god!" my eyes widened as I turned toward Madi and Cynthia.

"Yeah, 1500 girls swooning over our men!" Madi giggled and Cynthia nodded her head.

"Yeah, that must feel awkward," I shrugged looking over at Chris and Chase who were laughing at something Griffin had just said.

"Well don't you feel awkward then?" Cynthia questioned and I turned to her, my eyebrows knitting together.

"Why would I?"

"Um, because of Payton?" Madi giggled, nudging me in the side.

"What about Payton? We aren't together! He's my best friend!" I sighed, biting on my bottom lip as I turned my attention to the boy with the floppy hair that he constantly flips out of his golden brown eyes.

"Yeah right! You two are so in lurve!" Cynthia giggled, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. "I mean look at him staring at you!"

I glanced up and my eyes locked with Payton's he bit his lip before smiling then looked down at the ground. I could feel my cheeks blush as I turned away and rolled my eyes at both girls who were chuckling at me.

"Alright everyone! Let's do the damn thing!" Trent called out. The boys jumped up onto the stage and Cynthia, Madi and I all grabbed microphones from the table the DJ was set up on. The DJ turned the music up loud as Trent and another man walked to the doors. They both stepped outside and it looked like Trent was gesturing to the crowd, trying to let them know how things were going to go. Madi bounced up and down on top of a chair and Cynthia quickly jumped onto my back.

"Awe! You two! Smile!" Madi called, and Cynthia and I looked up at her as she snapped a photo. "Oh my god, this is too cute!" she gushed.

"I love you guys!" Cynthia exclaimed, wrapping her arms tightly around my neck. "You two are the serious best!"

"I second that!" I giggled.

Before Madi could get another word out, the doors opened and girls flooded into the room. Some screamed, some began to cry, and others looked like they were in shock. I couldn't believe that this was my life right now.

"Hey guys!" I spoke into the mic waving as the girls filtered into the room. Most of the girls filed right in line to meet the boys but a small group walked over to us.

"Could we get a picture with you three?" a petite blonde girl asked, motioning to the three girls behind her. "We came to see you, Baker!"

"Awe, that's so sweet! Of course you can!" I smiled. Cynthia hopped off of my back and took the girl's cell phone from her.

"Okay, everyone squish in around Bake!" Cynthia ordered and all the girls came in around me. "Smile!"

At that moment I didn't think my smile could get any bigger. I was definitely living the dream.

"Thank you so much!" the blonde gushed; she must be the brave one of the group. "Oh and by the way, we all ship you and Payton!" she giggled as they walked away to get in line to meet the boys.

"See! We told you so!" Madi giggled. I watched as she jumped off of the chair she had been dancing on and walked toward the main door. She began giving hugs to everyone as they walked in. I wish I had her confidence.

"Come on! Let's go mingle!" Cynthia laughed, hooking her arm through mine and pulling me into the line of girls that were waiting to meet the boys.

I spent the rest of the day giving hugs, taking pictures, singing obnoxiously into the microphone and making silly TikToks with supporters. As the last few girls were coming in through the doors Cynthia, Madi and I jumped up onto the stage with the boys. Payton immediately pulled me over to him and wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

"I've been wanting to hug you all day. You're so cute when you're this happy," he grinned and again I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"You've been busy," I shrugged, gesturing out to where the room used to be filled with people.

"You're still more important, Bake," he sighed and I smiled at him, placing my hand on his arm.

"Oh gosh, Pay, I didn't mean it like that. I just meant you've been busy taking pictures and stuff. I've been busy too! Did you check out my awesome dance moves?" I giggled. I stepped back as a girl came flying at Payton, her arms outstretched as she all but fell on top of him.

"Woah! Hey!" he laughed, pulling back the girl and holding her so he could see her face. "What's your name beautiful?"

A ping of jealousy swooped through me as he smiled that gorgeous smile at her. I knew he was only doing what he had to do, but I just wanted this day to be over now so that I could talk to Payton alone.

"Hey, you're with me in the van," Payton wrapped his arm around my neck and I watched as the girl who had just tackled him walked away. "We're going to sit in the back and have to P and B time."

"All you need is me and we'll be a PB&J!" Jackson laughed, jumping up onto my back. My knees bent under his weight but I quickly caught my balance and laughed.

"Alright everyone! Awesome first day!" Trent called as they shut and locked the doors after the last group of girls walked out. "Okay, the crew is going to clean up everything. I need all of you out in the van in fifteen minutes so we can run and grab some dinner. How does Chick Fil A sound?"

Everyone echoed a chorus of yes and we all scattered across the room to grab our things. I threw my bookbag onto my back and finally got the chance to pull my phone from my back pocket. I smiled at all of the Instagram posts I had been tagged in. I couldn't wait to see everyone's pictures from today.

"You ready?" I heard Chase's voice ask and I looked up and nodded my head. "C'mon bestie!" he smiled and looped his arm around my shoulders.

"Hey! You're stealing my girlfriend!" Cynthia's voice yelled from behind us and before I knew it she was pulling Chase and I apart and grabbed my hand and pulled me away.

"I thought you were my girlfriend!" Chase laughed, hanging his head and defeat.

"Awe if only you weren't so cute when you get upset!" Cynthia giggled, stopped to quickly kiss his cheek. "I still love you boo!"

"But she loves me more!" I called over my shoulder, laughing as we walked from the building. This had truly been the best day of my life.

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