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"So, what do you think of LA so far?" My mom and I were walking around The Grove. We had spent the morning in and out of several different meetings and now we were taking some time to spend together just the two of us. My mom had never been to California before. She always said she didn't understand the hype of Los Angeles, that it seems expensive and wildly overcrowded.

"It's different," she smiled, sticking a fork full of salad into her mouth. I was trying to take her to all of the places the boys had suggested. The Hollywood Walk of Fame. Check. Santa Monica Pier. Check. The Grove. Check. We also had tickets to go to Disneyland tomorrow with Payton so that she could really get to know him.

"Would you ever think about moving here?" I asked, crossing my fingers underneath the table. I wanted to be in LA. I wanted to call this place my home.

"Maybe," my mom sighed, wiping her mouth with a napkin. "Listen, Baker, your father and I have been talking a lot since you've been away on tour. We are so, so proud of you. Neither of us will ever be able to tell you how truly proud of you we are. You put your mind to something and you made it happen no matter what it took. We, mainly me, are scared that you might be rushing this. You want to pack up your life and move cross country to a place you've only spent a couple of days." I can literally feel my stomach sinking as her words flow through me. "I get it, I really do, but I don't want to get ahead of something that may die out soon."

"Mom, moving here will help me out so much! There are so many more opportunities out here! There are a ton of creators to create content with. All of the main social media platform headquarters are here. There are more agencies looking to cast people out here. If you're worried about this all dying out then you should be worried about me living in Pennsylvania. There's nothing there to help this." I have prepared every argument in the book to get her to agree with me.

"I just don't want to see this lifestyle change you. I mean look, YOU bought ME dinner. It's supposed to be the other way around. We're supposed to take care of you," my mom sighed. I reached across the table and placed my hand on hers.

"Mom, I'm growing up. I love that I'm able to get you dinner now. Obviously this is just the beginning and I'm definitely not made of money, but I really want to do this. There's only a year and a month until I turn 18. I'd be leaving then anyway, so why not do it now? Then you guys would be here with me instead of me moving alone." I can tell I am pulling at her heartstrings.

I don't want to guilt trip my parents into packing up their lives and moving across the country, but I know that if they do this I will be able to provide all of us with a better life. My parents gave me the best childhood possible. We had a nice house with a big back yard that they always threw the best birthday parties in. My mom always encouraged me to help her in the kitchen even though I'm sure she knew she could get things done faster without me. My dad taught me how to change a tire and how to balance a checkbook. All of my memories from my childhood were happy. Now it was my turn to help them create some memories.

"We'll see. When I get back to the hotel I'm going to call your father and talk with him. I don't know," she sighed. I could tell that she was torn. I knew she thought Pennsylvania was best for me, but I wanted her to trust me. I wanted her to let me follow my dreams.

Liked by iitspayton, madimonroeee, RileeRose and 326,437 others

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Liked by iitspayton, madimonroeee, RileeRose and 326,437 others

BakerBree spent the day with this pretty lady. trying to talk her into moving to LA! love u momma!

user1 we clearly see where she gets her good looks
iitspayton cant wait to spend the day with you both tomorrow. miss you so much baby cant wait to cuddle you when you get back
user2 ^^ omg you guys seriously?! calling me single in 100 different languages.
RileeRose does this mean you're leaving me?!
BakerBree @RileeRose no booboo, you'd move with us silly! @iitspayton I'll be at the house in like 20 minutes!

I closed out of Instagram as I looked over at my mom. We had left The Grove and she was driving me back to the rental house before she went back to her hotel.

"You know you could just stay with us at the house," I told her again. She laughed, shaking her head.

"No, no. I don't need to stay with a bunch of teenage boys," she giggled. "I still can't believe I'm letting you stay with them. If it wasn't for Jaden tell me he'd look out for you, you probably wouldn't have been staying!"

"Jaden's been really good to me," I smiled. "He's my best friend."

"If I'm being honest, I thought you two would end up together. The way you two are together, it wouldn't have surprised me if you called to tell me you were dating. I love the way Payton treats you, but I think Jaden loves you." My heart stopped. I had never thought of Jaden as anything other than my best friend. Sure, he was like super hott, basically perfect, but he was my best friend.

"He does love me," I told her. "As his best friend, his little sister."

"No, it's more than that," she smirked. "Just don't hurt that poor boy. He's too good for this world."

"Oh, don't I know it."

I don't know why my mom felt that way about Jaden. I thought she knew he would always be just my best friend. I sighed, leaning my head against the cool window of the car and closed my eyes. I loved Payton. If Jaden felt anything for me he could have told me the same way Payton had.

I felt the car slow to a stop and I opened my eyes to see the rental house.

"I can't believe my daughter is renting a house this huge," my mom laughed, leaning forward to see the house better.

"Hey, move her and we can buy a house this huge!" I joked, wiggling my eyebrows. "We'll see you tomorrow, bright and early! I'm so excited for Disney!"

"I'm excited too! I'll be back for you and Payton at 8am sharp!" she told me. I leaned over, wrapping my arms around her the best that I could and held her in a tight hug. "I love you, Baker Bree!"

"I love you, too, Mama Bree." I got out of the car and with that my extremely long, busy day was over. I could not wait to get inside and cuddle my boy as I fell asleep. Life couldn't get any better.

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