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I woke up in my hotel room with a heavy heart. Today was the last day of tour and it felt like the pouring rain outside was reflecting my mood. After today we would all head back to our homes and who knew how long it would be until we would see each other again.

Summer was coming to an end and I still had no idea where I would be living at the beginning of the school year. My parents still hadn't given me a definite answer on LA even though I had begun to look at houses with Chase. I had figured out my own plan on moving with or without my parents, I was just hoping that they would come with me. Payton had already decided he wanted to live at home with his mom, the excitement of LA was too much for him to handle every day; he wanted a safe place to go back to.

"Bake?" Cynthia's sleepy voice broke through the silence and I glanced down at her, her eyes the only thing peeking out from under the blankets. "What do you say we skip our flights and go hide out somewhere so we don't have to go home," she sighed, her eyes filled with a sadness that I'm sure matched my own.

"I don't want to go home," I frowned, sliding back down under the blankets and cuddling up beside my best friend. Within a second there was more weight on the bed and I felt Madi slide in beside me, wrapping her arms around me.

"I'm taking you both back to Cali with me, no questions asked," she mumbled into my hair. I nodded my head in agreement. I wanted nothing more than to hop on a plane back to California. "Why does the last day of tour always suck so dang much?"

"I hate it," Cynthia said, wrapping the blankets tighter around her skinny frame. "I hate feeling like I'm so alone once I get home."

"I am not looking forward to that," I groaned, running my fingers through my knotted hair. "I can't imagine waking up and you guys not being next to me."

The three of us laid in silence for the next hour just taking in the last moments of us being together. It was so hard thinking that I wouldn't be with my best friends tomorrow. Madi was going back to California. Cynthia was going back to Canada. Payton was flying to Florida with Jackson for a few days and then he'd be going home. And I'd be back in boring Pennsylvania.

A knock sounded from our door and all three of us groaned as we all rolled out of bed and walked toward the door together. It was like we had made a silent pact to not leave each other's sides until we absolutely had to.

Madi reached the door first and pulled it open to reveal Payton, Jaden, and Chase on the other side. Chase held up a bag that had 'Bagels' written across it in big black lettering and I squealed reaching out and grabbing the bag from his hands. Bagels were my favorite, especially New York bagels.

"Geeze, Bake, save some for us," Jaden laughed, closing the door behind everyone as they all made their way into our hotel room. I sighed, taking a bite of the warm, doughy goodness that was slathered with cream cheese. This was my heaven.

"My girl," Payton laughed, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me into his side to kiss my forehead.

We sat around the hotel until it was time for us to load our luggage into the trailer that would follow us to the airport after the show. Well, it would follow everyone else to the airport. My parents had driven up to see what tour was like so I would be driving back home to Pennsylvania with them.

"We have thirty minutes until we need to be at the venue!" Trent called from the back of the trailer where he was organizing everybody's things. I don't know how this man had done it, but he put up with all of us over a three month span and someone lived to tell the tale.

I had to give it to Trent, he put his everything into this tour and making sure we got to experience everything we wanted to. He made sure that not only was he keeping us safe, but he was respecting our wants and needs.

The West Coast tour had been nothing short of amazing. Every place we traveled to was new for me and I got to see so many cool things and meet so many new people. I would always remember my first tour; the time spent with my friends that were now more like family, the supporters who lined up hours ahead of time just to see us, the nights spend cuddled up with Payton, my two trips to Disneyland. Everything has been absolutely perfect.

"Baker Bree," Payton sighed, walking up and wrapping his arms around me. Every time he hugged me today my heart broke a little bit. I didn't even want to begin to think about having to wake up tomorrow and not see his face. I didn't want to have to go about my day without him sneaking in little kisses whenever he could. I knew I was only 16, but I also knew that I wanted to be with Payton.

"Pay, don't leave me," I pouted, wrapping my own arms around him as I buried my head into his chest. I swallowed hard on the lump that was forming in my throat. I couldn't do this.

"It's breaking my heart knowing that I have to leave you, baby." Payton ran his fingers gently through my hair as I breathed in his scent wanting to always remember it until the next time I got to see him. The busy streets of New York City kept my brain from completely melting down into a ball of tears. One couldn't cry to the sounds of car horns and motorcycles. "Maybe when I get home from Jackson's you should fly down. Meet my family. We can go to the beach. We can have time just the two of us away from all these crazies," he laughed.

"That sounds perfect. Seriously, can we plan that please? Being away from you is going to be hell." I pulled him in closer, my head resting on his chest as I listened to his heart beat.

"I know baby girl. We'll figure it out. I promise. I don't want to be away from you either."

"Everybody, load up onto the van!" Trent called as he hopped out of the trailer. All of us made our way to the van, a sullen feeling falling over all of us.

The ride to the venue was almost silent. Everyone was feeling emotional about having to leave after the show. We all knew we'd turn it all on for our supporters, but while we were in the van we were just soaking up the last couple hours we had together.

The venue was the largest one we had been at yet, and it was decorated for us when we walked in. They had pink, blue, and black balloons scattered throughout the open room. There were large, silver stars decorating the walls. Our pictures we had taken throughout the tour were playing in a slideshow above the stage, and a DJ was set up in the left corner of the room, disco lights flashing from his equipment.

I could already tell that even though we were all sad that it was coming to an end, this was going to be our best stop yet.


I am soo sorry this is ass. It's all over the place and not my best at all. I promise next update will be better and sooner. I know I promised to write everyday, but I'm stuck on where I want this story to go. I'm trying to think of some twists and turns to keep it interesting for you guys.

If you guys have anything you want to happen leave a comment and maybe I'll add it in! :) 

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