Inbetween (Masky x Reaper!Reader)

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1st person POV:

It isn't that bad being a creature that decides where souls go. It's actually a quite...calming job. And we're not the dark looking soulless things seen in movies or books, we're among you. Working in factories, going to school, even getting married and having children. We're able to escape into the shadows of humanity and hide our true faces.

I do prefer the dead over the living though. well, that is before I met him.

He wasn't like anything like any mortal I've met before. He was quiet and mysterious. But, there was something wrong with his soul. It seemed to be bound in chains by something inhuman. A demon. A demon had clung to his heart and owned his entire being.

Yes. It is against rules to speak to demons unless necessary. They're filthy pests who just get in the way of soul collecting. But, I couldn't help myself. I found myself feeling the emotion of love for this human. Until I found the demon who was connected to his soul. Slenderman. Us reapers have had many confrontations with this strange creature.

And where am I now? Petting my darling's hair. With a bit of talking and deals with Slenderman, I managed to get closer to my love. I've been banished from my occupation, but it doesn't matter. As long as I'm with Masky, I'm happy.

"You ok (y/n)? You spaced out" Tim spoke to me softly. Smiling I kissed his head.

"Absolutely fine Timmy" Giggling, I snuggled more into him. He grunted at the nickname. But he knows I love him. Forever.

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