Into the Woods(Slenderman x Reader){~Lemon~}

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How had they talked you into this? How had those "friends" of yours talk you into going to the woods with just a flashlight? At this point, you were just pissed and wanted to go home. But how? You were so deep into the forest it was nearly impossible to navigate where you were and how to get out.

You tried to control your breathing. "It's okay. Everything's okay. Everything is in your head" You kept saying to yourself. Leaves and twigs crunched under the bulky boots you wore. Little did you know that a certain "protector" of these woods was watching you closely. He had seen everything. Your friends nudging you inside the woods telling you everything would be fine. The cursing to yourself about how much of an idiot you are. It was adorable to him.

The way you kept telling yourself it'd be fine, and the way you'd jump when an animal would make a move. It made him even more curious than he already was. Something inside him wanted to know more. He wanted to feel more. So, slowly he crept upon you and watched silently.

Suddenly, something quickly grabbed you. you started to thrash about.

"Stop it" A smooth yet dark voice echoed through your head. More fear-filled you. "Now, tell me your name child"

You stopped. Was it this creature that just grabbed you that was talking to you through your mind. "U-uh, I'm (y/n)."

"Hmmm...(Y/n)..." You felt something cold ride up your thigh, causing you to jump a bit in his tendrils. You looked down.' There was another one reaching towards your peach.

"U-umm, what are you doing?" You looked up at the creature with tear-filled eyes, Another one of hid tentacles wiped your eyes.

"Don't cry my dear, I'm exploring" Every movement seemed to be slower than it actually was. Soon, you found yourself actually enjoying it, and asking for more, to which he gladly obliged.

You closed your eyes for a minute of pleasure, suddenly the cold around you was gone, replaced with warmth. Opening one eye, you scanned your surroundings. No more trees or dirt, you were now in a large room. He placed you down on a red velvet king-sized bed.

His tendrils moved all around your body, removing the last articles of clothing you had left, a faint lush tinted your cheeks in embarrassment. But, you couldn't cover your now bare body, for his testicles were holding your limbs down.

Closing your eyes once more, you felt your insides rip. Hot tears fell, "Shhh my love, It will only hurt for a minute." And he was right, after a bit, it started to feel good. Small little mews left your lips in pleasure as he pumped his tentacles inside you.

Soon enough, you were a moaning and panting mess. Squirming underneath the large figure above you, admiring every sound and movement you made. He felt you tighten around him, then freeze for a moment. A warm liquid dripped from your core.

"Beautiful" Was the last thing you heard before falling asleep in his warm bed.

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