Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Percy

After about an hour, my sobs came to a stop. My bed was soaking wet from my tears. I sighed and looked up at the ceiling.

To my right I heard a sob.

Then another.

They kept coming.

One, after another.

I shot up off my bed and rubbed the dried tears off my face. I raced towards the room to my right, which happened to be Leo's.

I banged on the door and waited for a response.

"LEO?! IT'S PERCY!" I shouted, "I'M COMING IN." I slowly turned the door knob and found Leo curled up into a ball in his flame colored bed spread, which he clutched with his hands for dear life. Tears were streaming out of his eyes and his hair curly brown hair was matted with sweat.

I ran over to the boy and held him in my arms, as I situated myself on the soaking bed spread. "Shh. Leo, it's gonna be okay. Shh."

The Latino boy looked up at me as his sobs quieted. His normally bright brown eyes were dimmed and broken. They were filled with pain and hurt. But a second later they brightened and a smile was plastered on his face. "Hey, Aquaboy. I'm so stupid. I stubbed my toe and then dropped a hammer on my stubbed toe."

Leo seemed to have remembered that he was clutching my shirt. He untangled his fingers and sat back from me in the middle of his bed.

"Are you okay, Leo?" I asked with concern.

"Why wouldn't I be? I'm the Super-Sized McShizzle Man. I'm hot, man." Leo said with his strained smile and finger guns.

"Uh, sure." I said with worry, "You sure, man? I mean, earlier everyone was rude to you during the meeting."

Leo's eyes widened and he looked into my eyes with surprise.

He's surprised that I noticed and care. I think.

"It's not their fault. I should have worked harder." Leo said with a far away look.

I rolled my eyes, "Leo, you worked yourself, almost to death. It's not your fault that they are being piles of schist."

"I could've done more."

"Look, Leo. You know how much I love Annabeth, but she was just being plain mean to you back then."


"And you are not just a Repair Boy, Leo Valdez. You are an amazing hardworking person, friend, and family member who will go out of their way to make someone smile." I stated.

"Percy?" Leo asked weakly.


"Thank you." Leo looked into my eyes with gratitude, "And just know that your brain, it's not filled with seaweed. You are not an idiot and shame on anyone who thinks so. I mean, from what I have heard, you have saved everyone's butts at camp multiple times and mine. And if they can't see it takes brains to do that, well then they are idiots."

"Thank you." I whispered and looked down at my hands in shame. The crescent moon shaped scars were still there. A warm hand took mine and I looked up at Leo. He laid his hands on top of mine and I saw crescent moon shaped scars on his hands too. I looked up at him in surprise.

"It helps with the stress. And it helps me... cope. The pain brings me back." Leo said sadly.

I nodded in understanding. I stuck out my hand to Leo and asked, "Brothers?"

Leo smiled, a real smile. His eyes were brighter than I have ever seen them. He took my hand and said, "Brothers."

I clapped my hand on his back and said, "See you around, little bro. And if you ever need anything..."

"Yeah, you too." Leo smiled, "Brother."

Brothers: Leo, Percy, NicoWhere stories live. Discover now