Chapter 17

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Same day as the previous chapter, but a different POV. Yay!

Warning: Some cussing.

Nico POV

"I don't trust Calypso. I'm worried that she might be using Leo." I confess to Percy at the Big Three table.

"Well," Percy swallowed his bite of blue pancake. "Why don't you talk to him?"

When I didn't respond Percy rolled his eyes and said, "Sorry, forgot you don't like to talk to people."

I scowled, "Shut up, Percy. Besides Leo wouldn't believe me."

"Then get some proof."

I rolled my eyes and Percy kept eating.

Time Skip because it doesn't take that long to eat Shirios! Whoop! #lancemcclain

I watched Leo leave breakfast hand in hand with Calypso, and I took Percy's advise.

Find proof.

The couple walked for a while and I trailed behind them. After about five minutes, they still didn't notice me and I sighed.

Am I really invisible?

"Bye, Sunshine!" Leo said with a real smile, "I'll see you later! Gotta go work on some projects."

Calypso scowled Leo, but gave a bright smile when he waved.

Calypso whispered something and I barely caught it, "Finally."

I stood right behind Calypso and asked, "Finally, what?"

Calypso screamed and she slapped me, "WHAT THE HADES!"

I rubbed my cheek, "What! You're the one who slapped me!"

Calypso rolled her eyes and started walking away. I followed close behind.

"So, you're in love with Leo?"


"I heard an Aphrodite kid likes him too."

"I doubt that."

"I heard they kissed."

"That's nice."

"What do you like in Leo?"

No response.

"Do you think that you guys will last a long time?"

"No, not really."

"Leo seems to think you guys will."

"I know."

"So," I clenched my fists, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Calypso turned around to look at me, her almond eyes boring into mine, "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Calypso sighed and looked down. She took in a breath and looked up at me with tears sliding down her face.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

"Look, if you don't love someone," I sighed. "Then don't be with them."

Calypso opened her mouth to explain, but I cut her off, "Save it for Leo."

Calypso nodded, "I'm so sorry, Nico."

"It's okay." I walked away, "I'm used to being hated."

Brothers: Leo, Percy, NicoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora