Chapter 20

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I never thought that this story would be so long. Thanks for all the support guys! Love you all!


Rachel POV

I trudged back to the Oracle's Cave from the dining pavilion. Once again, no one talked to me or looked at me. I sat alone and stared at my empty plate. I had sacrificed all my food to the Gods. I felt hungry, but the thought of eating made me want to throw up.

(Y'all, Rachel is good. She just didn't feel like eating. I promise. She doesn't have an eating disorder in this fanfic. You know how it gets, when eating sounds really gross at times then you eat later that day when you are hungry? Sort of like skipping breakfast, but this is dinner.)

Sighing, I sit down and look down at Camp Half-Blood. My home...

Well, it was my home...

Percy and I used to hang out together all the time, he was my only friend...

Then I became the Oracle, and Percy went on all these quests, so I was alone...

Don't get me wrong! I'm not complaining. He had to.

When Kronos fell, Annabeth and Percy started dating, and that's when I stopped romantically liking him. I was happy for them.

But that entire summer, we never talked or hung out, and then he went missing...

It was so horrible. Everyone was so lost...

I helped search for him.

When Gaea fell, he seemed to have forgotten about me completely. He had all these new friends...

And here I am, months later, alone.

I shouldn't complain though. My life is good. I'm just so lonely.

I always thought that Percy Jackson was the best person I'd ever meet, but...

He forgot about me...

I tried to talk to him, to hang out, but he was always doing something...

So, eventually, I gave up...

But, I did become unlikely friends with Katie Gardner. We talk when we can, but she normally has Camp activities to attend to...

Fast-paced footsteps take me out of my thoughts. I retreat back into my cave. A lot of people come up here to think. They don't even realize that I lived here. I hear the person stop outside my door and a thud indicates that they sat down. I sigh and put on headphones, so they can have some privacy without me listening to them, but before I play the music, I hear sobs cut through the quiet night.

(Can Rachel have technology because she's not a half-blood? "I DIDN'T WANT TO BE A HALF-BLOOD...")

I decide to leave them alone and I play my music. About 10 minutes later I take off my headphones to check on the person. Their once heavy sobs have dulled to sniffles. Guilt eats at me. I sigh and throw down my phone. Grabbing a small lantern, I slowly open the door. There is a figure with long braided hair with her knees pulled up to her chest. I recognize the hair as Calypso's. I sit down next to her and look out once more at Camp Half-Blood. The campfire is blazing high into the air. The inaudible voices of campers singing soothe me. 


I look to my side and see Calypso with a tear-stained face looking at me. We lock eyes. I study her brown eyes and take in their almond shape and notice the water still resting underneath her pupils, waiting to fall. "Hi."

"Who are you?" I wince at that question, but smile and look back at the girl.

"Rachel Dare," I say, and I hold out my hand, fingers encased with various rings, "Nice to finally meet you Calypso."

She shakes my pale hand with a confused look on her face, "How do you know me?"

"I don't live under a rock..." I look back at my cave, "Well I guess I do."

She follows my gaze and nods.

"What's wrong Calypso?"

The former-immortal looked down, "I broke up with Leo..."

"Oh..." I looked down at my hands, "Are you okay?"

"I kissed Percy."

My head snapped up and our eyes met again.

"I didn't mean to... Hades, I didn't even want to!" Calypso let out an exasperated sigh, "It just happened."

I nod, "I get what you mean."

(Why do I lowkey ship them... haha not happening in this fanfic though.)

A deep silence falls over us, but it is soon broken by a sniffle. I look over at Calypso and see silent tears, glistening in the light of the lantern, trailing the length of her face. I pull her into a hug, which she gratefully accepts.

"I'm sorry..." She whispers into my ear. "I'm such a horrible person. What's wrong with me?"

"Calypso, nothing is wrong with you." I say, "You made mistakes, we all do. All you need to do is apologize. You are not a horrible person."

Calypso sniffles, "Thank you, Rachel. I--"

A scream cuts through our moment and we jump back from each other. I scramble to stand up, grabbing Calypso's hand and my lantern, we run down the hill to the campfire.

That scream an impulse decision. Let's hope I find something to do with it. What a cliff-hangar though. Haha, flashbacks to Tartarus? Anyone...?

Too soon?

Thanks for reading.


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