Chapter 12

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Nico POV

Leo was running towards us, Festus towering behind him.

I can't believe it! Leo's alive!

Percy ran and I was on his heels. The few second run to Leo, felt like years.

I watched Percy crash into Leo and pull him into a hug. I stood a couple feet away, not sure what I should do.

Leo's warm brown eyes found mine. He playfully smiled at me and rolled his eyes. Leo managed to free an arm, which he used to pull me into the hug. I let my guard down and wrapped my arms around my brothers.

We eventually broke apart, and Leo was pulled into a hug from Piper.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again, Valdez!" Piper said with tears lining her eyes.

Leo's laugh warmed the group, "I missed you too, Beauty Queen."

"Where's Jason?" Leo asked with concern and hurt in his voice.

"He's at Camp Jupiter right now." Hazel responded. She and Frank pulled Leo into a hug. Hazel started to cry and Frank comforted her.

Leo walked back over to Festus, and that's when I noticed a girl with blond hair pulled into a braid and almond eyes.

Leo gave the girl a side hug. I looked over at Percy with a confused look, and I noticed a shocked expression on his face. He whispered, "Calypso?"

Leo smiled and announced, "This is Calypso! My girlfriend!"

Calypso and Leo blushed. Leo took Calypso to meet his friends and siblings.

Leo walked up to me with Calypso, "Sunshine, this is Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades."

I watched Calypso's expression change into one of fear. I resisted the urge to sigh, another person scared of me. Great.

I held out my hand, but Calypso pretended not to notice and she turned her attention to Percy, who was standing next to me, still in shock.

I watched Leo grow nervous as Percy and Calypso greeted each other. I reached out and squeezed his shoulder. He gave me a small smile.

Calypso and Percy awkwardly hugged each other. Percy fiddled with his hands and I knew he felt guilty.

Dam, I spent to much time watching him when I had a crush on him.

"Look, Calypso, I'm really sorry," Percy ran his tan hand through his hair, "I asked the Gods to free you, and they said they would, and I just never thought to make sure they did, and I'm so sorry, and I know that that's no excuse, and I should have followed up on it, and I..."

Calypso covered Percy's mouth, "Percy! It's fine! I'm free now and I have Leo!"

I watched Calypso's force a smile.

"Thanks, Sunshine!" Leo said. Calypso forced a smile that didn't meet her eyes.

A while later...

Percy laughed as we watched Leo get kicked, punched, and slapped by each camper. Piper kept getting in line and would charm speak her way to the front, so she could punch Leo again.

Percy snuck up behind Leo and kicked his leg, causing him to fall to his knees. 

"Hey!" Leo protested, "What was that for Aqua Boy?"

This caused Percy to laugh even harder. I allowed myself a small smile. Annabeth walked by and I saw Percy's face fall. I tried to gain eye contact with him, but he just looked at the floor.

Brothers: Leo, Percy, NicoWhere stories live. Discover now