Chapter 19

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This isn't that long, sorry. -blue

Percy POV

Leo wasn't at dinner, so I decided to go looking for him. On the way to Buker 9, I saw figure running. I pulled out Riptide and ran after it. I managed to get right behind it and I grabbed its arm. It spun around and I was greeted with the sight of Calypso. The girl wore ripped jeans and a white t-shirt. "Hey, Calypso! Whats..."

I stopped when I saw tears streaming from her almond eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Leo, we broke up..."

"Oh, Gods! I'm so sorry..." But, I was cut off by her lips on mine. I pushed her off me and glared at her, "What are you doing?!"

"I- I..." The girl stuttered.

"Nevermind, I have to go check on Leo." I turned and ran to Bunker 9.

"I'm so sorry, Percy!" I heard Calypso call after me. "Gods, what is wrong with me?"

I barely caught that last sentence, and when I did, I felt guilt course through me, but I had to get to Leo.

When I arrived, I heard sobs coming from the inside. I knocked on the door and the sobs immediately stopped. The door opened and I saw an angry-looking Nyssa, Leo's sister, at the door. "WHAT DO... Oh, Percy."

I let out a nervous smile, "Can I talk to Leo?"

Nyssa closed the door in my face and I was about to knock, again, when the door opened. Nyssa looked into my eyes with a sad look, "Leo doesn't want you to come in."

My eyes widen and I push passed Nyssa. My heart broke at the scene before me. The Latino was sitting on the floor, leaning against the post of a table, with his knees pulled up to his chest. He was forcing a smile that kept faltering and tears ran down his face. "Hey, P- Percy. Wh- what's up?"

"Hey, Leo." I sink down next to the boy and I pull him into a hug. Nyssa and I make eye contact and she nods at me. She sits down on the other side of Leo and rubs circles into his back. "Why don't you want me here, Leo?"

"I don't want to bother you," Leo says, still tense in my arms. "You guys can go if you want."

"Nonsense," Nyssa says with an encouraging smile. "We want to be here."

"Yeah, it's okay, Leo." Leo melts into the hug. A loud crash causes Leo to jump out of my arms and I pull out Riptide, again. Nyssa stands protectively in front of her half-brother. On the floor in front of us is Nico Di Angelo, groaning in pain. "Nico?!"

The Ghost King stands up and gives us an awkward wave. Nico spots Leo and he goes and gives the boy a hug, which is rare for the son of Hades to do. I smile and look at Nyssa, but she is scowling at Nico.

(This is where I realize, I don't know anything about relationships or breakups.)

"I'm sorry, Leo." Nico speaks with a sad tone, "I confronted Calypso and said that if she didn't love you that she shouldn't be with you. I was just trying to help."

Leo shakes his head. His voice sounds so broken when speaks these next four words, "It's not your fault."

Considering I don't know what else to write about with this breakup and don't know anything about them, I'm ending this chapter. Thanks for reading! -blue

Brothers: Leo, Percy, NicoWhere stories live. Discover now