Chapter 13

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Nico POV

That night...

I lay in my bed and feel as if a big weight was lifted off of my chest, Leo is alive.


A/N: This is a Flashback of when Nico and Leo bonded. The italics following this note is a dream Nico had of his time in Tartarus. (Percabeth in Tartarus at this time.)


Hope built inside of me. A feeling that has been gone from me for too long. I chased after my sister, feet pounding against the floors of Tartarus. Her long brown hair, pulled into a neat brain, whipped behind her as she ran. I could only keep track of her due to the bright silver Hunter's outfit she wore.

"Bianca!" I yelled, but she never stopped, "B! Bianca! Bianca, it's Nico!"

She kept running, and no matter how fast I ran, she stayed five feet in front of me. Eventually Bianca slowed to a stop, I took a step towards her, but she flickered and took a step away from me. "Bianca?"

Bianca slowly turned, almost in a robot way. After what felt like years, she faced me. A genuine smile lit up my face, "Bianca!"

But Bianca didn't move. She just stood there with a blank face. Her brown eyes looked glossy and unfocused.

"Bianca?" I reached out and pulled her into a hug, "I missed you so much, B."

I felt her arms wrap around me, and I relaxed into the hug, but of course I couldn't just enjoy the moment and my brain started feeding me thoughts.

Why is Bianca in Tartarus?

Bianca was reborn.

Why wouldn't she stop running?

I tried to pull away from the hug, but Bianca's arms trapped me. "Bianca?"

Her arms squeezed tighter around me, and it became hard to breathe.

"Bianca, can you let go?" Fear replaced the hope that I had built and I reached for my sword. Pain shot through my back. Tears brimmed my eyes, "Please?"

Bianca took a step back and I let out a sigh in relief. I put my hand on my back and felt blood. I stared at my stained hand and more tears threatened to fall. I clenched my fist and tightened my grip on my sword. I felt my nails dig into my palm, but no pain. It took all my strength to look up, and when I did, hands squeezed my neck. Tears flowed down my face as I was greeted by the face of a monster with sharp teeth and red flesh, and not my sister's. I used the last of my air and uttered three words, "I'm sorry, Bianca."

I closed my eyes and I stabbed the monster with my sword. I felt the flesh of Tartarus beneath me. I buried my face in my hands and sobbed. I opened my eyes and screamed at the sight of yellow dust littering the space around me.

Yellow dust stuck to my blood stained my hand. I scratched at it. My nails racked through my hand and my salty tears stung the many cuts on my hand.

I was about to rid myself of... that, when I felt a warm presence on my shoulders. My body was being shaken by the warm presence. "Nico!"

A/N: So, Nico's dream is over. Though it's more of a nightmare.

"Hades!" I jumped back and hit my head on the wall. I opened my eyes and saw the last person I wanted to see, the annoying elf himself. I wipe away my tears.

"What do you want, Leo?"

I glared at the annoying presence in my - Percy's room as I watched it sit down next to me on the sea green bedsheets. Leo looked into my eyes and it felt as if he was analyzing me, but I was able to keep my mask up and I scowled at the Latino. Leo shivered and looked down at his hands. Sadness pained my chest and I realized that Leo was also scared of me, just like everyone else. I expected him to leave like everyone does, but he didn't. This elf thinks he can just break the pattern. I push people away, and they leave. It's simple. I waited, but Leo didn't move.

Brothers: Leo, Percy, NicoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant