Chapter 15

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Annabeth POV

I walkout of my cabin and wrap my arms around myself.

I look up and hold in a sob. I was standing outside of the Poseidon Cabin.

I decide to go to the spot Percy and I used to go to by the beach. On the way I see a figure by the edge of the woods. I pull out my dagger and slowly creep up on the figure.

"I'm so stupid."

I recognize the voice as Percy's.

I stop and feel silent tears roll down my cheeks.

Gods, what the Hades is wrong with me?

I run back to my cabin and pull out a piece of paper.

The only way to fix this, is to start at the beginning.

Time Skip to breakfast! Gotta eat them Shirios. #voltorn

While everyone is eating breakfast, I go to Bunker 9 and listen for any noise inside. I hear nothing and I slip my letter under the door.

Brothers: Leo, Percy, NicoWhere stories live. Discover now