Chapter 21

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Y'all, this chapter is about Drew! Hope you remember her. I don't remember much about her, but Google helps. Also, this chapter is sorta long. -blue

Drew POV

An earsplitting scream came from my right as a body appeared next to the campfire in a broken and bloody heap. I rolled my eyes and watched as Will Solace came running to help the person.

"NICO!" A sob tore out of the blond boy's mouth. His brothers and sisters came to help him and they loaded the figure onto a stretcher, carrying him to the infirmary. I watched this happen with wide eyes. A few people around me were mumbling and asking each other if they thought the son of Hades is okay.

I rolled my eyes, of course, he's not okay, he just appeared in front of us covered in his own blood.

The campfire decreased in size until it flickered out. I smiled at that, the campfire always amazed me. I felt a pair of eyes on me and I turned to my left to see a child of Hephsates staring at me with a horrified expression. I gave her a sympathetic smile, to hopefully help her feel a little better. But instead of a smile back, the person scoffed and rolled their eyes. She turned to her friend next to her and I heard her whisper, "Can you believe the nerve? Someone just got hurt and she's smiling."

I looked down in sadness. Great job Drew, you messed up. Again.

I pushed past the people in front of me and I left the amphitheater. I did my best to ignore the scoffs that followed me. I walked straight and tall, putting on a confident aura.

"Gods, what is wrong with her?" A camper said behind me.

Tears well up in my eyes, but I can't let them fall or else I would ruin my makeup. Daddy always said that makeup made me look nice. So without it, I must look bad... right?

I ran to the woods and leaned against a tree. The bark was digging into my back and I stood up, I can't let my shirt get dirty...

I kicked the tree and immediately regretted it. My converse now had scratches on them.

I clenched my fists and screamed. Is there anything I can do?

Shoot! I unclenched my fists. I can't mess up my hands and I can't scream, my voice it will...

I felt water roll down my face. Great, now I'm crying. Is there anything you can do right?

I wanted to collapse and fall to the floor and cry, but if I did, my clothes would get dirty, my hair would be messed up, and my makeup would be ruined.

So, instead, I walked. And walked. I watched my white converse take each step. When I finally looked up, I saw a structure with a sign that read Bunker 9, above it.

I walked up to it and stared at its large doors. A crash came from inside and I jumped back. I fixed my hair and straightened my outfit. I held up my fist to knock on the door. I hesitated for a moment before letting my fist hit the metal.

"Guys! I told you that you can go to the campfire. I'm... fine..." The voice paused, "I just need to be alone for a while!"

I was slightly offended by being part of this "guys" group, so I opened the door myself. My eyes widened at the sight of the scrawniest of the Seven on the floor with silent tears trailing the length of his face. The boy, who I believe is named Liam, jumped up and wiped his tears. A bright smile appeared on his face. He looked into my eyes, you couldn't even tell that he was crying a moment ago. His smile disappeared when he looked at me.

"What are you doing here, Drew?" Liam asked. I winced at his nervous tone. Is he really that scared of me? Isn't everyone...?

"I-- I was..." I stuttered. Come on, Drew! You can do this! Lying is second nature to you! But, I couldn't think of anything. So I used a different tactic, the one I always use. In an annoyed tone, I asked, "And why should I tell you?"

Brothers: Leo, Percy, NicoWhere stories live. Discover now