Chapter 8: Going to the Isle/Ben and Grace gets kidnapped

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Ben, Evie, Jay, and Carlos headed into to the Isle to bring the young Queen and their blonde/purple streaked haired friend back. The whole time, Ben stared out the window as he thought about the mistake he had made. He knew he had really screwed up this time. Jay sighed and said, "It's going to be okay, man. If I know Grace, which I do, she can't be mad at you forever." Carlos just scoffed at Jay and said to him, "Please, that is if you get on your hands and knees. That girl is as stubborn as stubborn can get." Evie rolled her eyes at the guys, boys will be boys. She said to them, "Guys, this is his fiancée we're taking about, the Queen of Auradon. Her safety is our first main priority, as well as Mal's." Jay and Carlos both nodded, they knew that this was a serious matter.

Ben just continued to stare out the window, he really didn't care about what they were saying at the moment since all that was on his mind was Grace. The group of four arrived at their destination. Jay had parked the limousine and igot out, causing the group to grab a tarp and hide the limousine. They walked towards their hideout where they knew Mal and Grace might be hiding. Ben said, turning to his friends, "Well, wish me luck." Evie gave him a small smile and replied, "If they don't budge, I'll talk to them." Ben nodded and he began to make his way into the hideout.
Inside the hideout, Mal was spray-painting the wall while Grace sat on one of the beds, in thought. A familiar voice said, startling the two girls, "I never thought I would find you here." Grace gasped and turned around to see her fiancée in the doorway. Ben gave them a small smile, causing Mal to roll her eyes. Grace just glanced over at Mal then at Ben, her head hanging low. Ben walked over to Grace and said to her, "Grace, come home, please. I've been worried ever since you left. I had guards from the castle search the entire school and the castle. Your brother, parents, and my parents are worried about you. As are mine. Please, I need you." Grace just looked at Ben and replied, "Where were you when I needed you, Ben? This relationship can only work both ways. I was there for you all the way and that's what a Queen is supposed to do. What about a King? A King is supposed to be there for his Queen. Where were you, Ben?" She knew it was harsh but that was the only way to get her point across. Ben just looked down at the ground, guilty. He knew he was in the wrong but he was willing to make it right.

Mal just watched the young King and Queen together with sadness. She didn't know what to do in a situation like this. She looked up when she heard footsteps coming and saw Evie. Evie turned to Mal and said to her, "M, can we talk, alone? Please?" Mal sighed then nodded, following Evie to somewhere private. While they were gone, Ben and Grace continued to talk. Things began to get heated until Ben saw something in the shadows. He turned to Grace and said to her, "Grace, get behind me. And don't move until I say so." Grace's eyebrows rose in confusion but did as she was told, like always. Feeling uneasy, Grace wrapped her arms around her flat stomach, protecting her unborn child. A young man, their age, come out of the shadows and said to the royal couple, "Well, well, well. What do we have here? The King and Queen of Auradon? Aren't we lucky?!*He turned to his henchmen* Get 'em. Uma will be pleased." Ben began to protest while Grace looked around, keeping her arms around her stomach. Suddenly, she was snatched which caused her to scream. Ben shouted, protectively, "Get your hands off of her! If you hurt her, I will see to it that you face the consequences!" His threat went unheeded and Grace continued to scream until her move was covered. Harry took the young Queen from his henchmen, keeping his hand on her mouth. He smirked while she looked at him with fear in her eyes and said to her, "This is going to be fun, Queenie." Her eyes widened and she shouted, once his hand was off of her mouth, "Mal!! Evie!!! Jay!! Carlos!!! Help!!!!"

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