Chapter 9: Uma and Mal

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Mal heard her friend's screams and went back up to the hideout, along with the others. She growled in frustration when she didn't see Ben and Grace in sight. Evie gasped and said to Mal, "Mal, we've got to get them back. Auradon  will suffer if we don't. They will suffer if we don't." Mal began to pace but she stopped when she saw Harry in the shadows, smirking. She turned to him and shouted, "What did you do with Ben and Grace?! Do you have any idea what you did?" Harry smirked and said, "They're safe, for now. Uma says that she wants you to come to the shack if you want Beasty boy and Queenie. Alone." Mal stepped forward and sneered, menacingly which caused her eyes to glow a bright green, "If I find out that you had hurt one hair on their heads, especially Grace's, you better hope that God puts mercy on your soul before I make you pay." From the sidelines, Carlos gulped at the threat, even he was scared at the threat. Jay smirked and said to Harry, "You better run, Hooky boy before Dragon girl gets ya." Harry just rolled his eyes and left but not before giving Mal one last warning. He turned around and said to Mal, "Remember, Mal. Alone." He then left the group of four, giving them a smirk. Evie turned to Mal and said to her, "You can't go by yourself. You know how Uma is. She's dangerous." Mal replied, "I have to, E. Ben and Grace's lives are on the line, including their child's. If I don't, I'll be failing Auradon. Most of all; I'll be failing Grace, Ben, and their families. I've got to go." The three friends watched their friend leave the hideout to go rescue the King and Queen of Auradon.
Meanwhile, Ben and Grace stood behind each other, both tied up to a pole. Ben said to Grace, "I'm so sorry that it ended up this way, Grace." Grace didn't answer since she was staring at the wall, keeping her hands on her stomach to the best of her ability. It was difficult since she was tied up. Ben sighed, he knew that Grace's silence was well deserved. He just hoped that their friends would come and rescue them soon.
Mal walked into Ursula's Fish and Chips to find Uma with her gang. She said sarcastically, announcing her presence, "I'm baaaack." Uma and her gang turned around, shocked to see the purple-haired girl. Uma smirked and said, pulling up a chair, "Loser, party of one." Mal turned the chair around and sat down. She said to Uma, "I know you have Ben and Grace, Uma. I'm here to take them back to Auradon." Uma tried to play dumb but then decided to use it to her advantage. If she could use the King and Queen of Auradon to get the wand, she could bring Mal down. She replied, "Let's see. Do I know a Ben and Grace? Nope." Mal said, already losing her patience, "Listen, Uma. If you have some score to settle with me, I see no reason to bring Ben and Grace into this. They have nothing to do with this." Uma laughed and replied, "It may be a little unnecessary but it's all apart of the game. How about I make you a deal?" Mal just rolled her eyes and said to Uma, "Just like your mom, always making deals."

Uma just gave Mal a look, she wasn't the one to be messed with. Little does the purple-haired girl know, Uma has a trick up her sleeve. Uma said, getting her arm into position to do a arm wrestle, "If you win, Ben and Grace are free to go." Mal just eyed Uma then placed her arm into position as well, locking her hand with Uma's. The two girls began to start to arm wrestle, grabbing everyone's attention. Uma continued, distracting Mal for a bit, "If I win, you bring me the wand." Mal was distracted, causing Uma to win. Everyone cheered for Uma's victory. Uma said to Mal, causing her to glare at her, "You want Beasty boy and Queenie back? I suggest you bring me the Fairy Godmother's wand before sundown tomorrow. Or the King and Queen of Auradon will pay the price."

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