Chapter 9

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Webby began to whip her hair at a group of Beagles as she knocked them out. She grabbed her frying pan and placed it out like a sword.

"Which one of you is next?" Webby said, making threats to the entire family.

The Sixth Avenue Meanies came up, pressing their fists into their other fists. Webby tried to disable the arms but was unable.

Louie, Webby, and Lena were all backed up against the fence and having nowhere to go. They were trapped.

"Don't you have any idea what you have just done?" One said.

Louie nodded. "Uh I see we knocked out...."

"Thank you!" They cried.

"Um can anyone explain the sudden plot twist going on?" Lena asked, as she was also confused.

"So you're thanking us for knocking out your mother?" Webby said.

"Well yeah, she was pretty much taking over us but now we can take care of things ourselves."

"Totally," a Longboard Taquito said. "My clique and I always wanted to open our own skatepark and sell taquitos but, Ma thought that idea was useless."

"I've always wanted to open a little flower shop. The ones that can flower beautifully and can go to contest!" Another added.

"I've wanted to paint art!"

"I wanna be a pilot!"

"Explore the world!"

"Start a band!"

Soon the junkyard erupted into everyone telling their wildest desires beyond the imagination. Because they knew nothing can stop them now.

"So what's yer dream?" One asked Webby.

"Well, I've always wanted to see the floating dust in the sky! You see they always come out my birthday and I want to see them up close!" Webby said in a daze like dream.

"That's a pretty one!" One exclaimed.

"And what about you?" Another asked Louie.

"Me? Get a private ship with a boat load of cash and a crown." Louie said. "Nothing much really."

The Beagle Boys frowned as they turned their backs on Louie.

"What? Wasn't that good enough?" Louie exclaimed.

"That's pretty much on the 'not even close to a dream' scale." Lena said.

Soon, the gate came down as a patrol of DNG guards came. Hundreds coming in by tens and soon, the entire junkyard was surrounded.

"Where's Louie Duck!" One of the officers yelled. "We're gonna have to turn the place upside down if we have to!"

As more officers came, Big Time, Bouncer and Burger all came in, wearing cuffs and surrounded by another group of rookie officers.

"Hey! There he is! With that girl and a ghost!" Big Time yelled as Louie, Webby, and Lena hid behind some tin piles.

"Oh now we're enemies!?" Louie yelled.

"Get them!"

Both Beagle Boys and officers alike went after the trio. Webby began to bring out her frying pan and bash the household item it all over their heads. Lena began to distract them by appearing out of nowhere and then a slam in the face.

"Louie! See if you can find a way out!" Webby yelled. "I'll hold them off!"

Louie began to run to the other side of the junkyard, unnoticed and began to look around. Police cars were all around and even if they did escape, someone was bound to capture him for a bounty and Webby and Lena would be forced back home or worse.

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