Chapter 15

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Everywhere Webby went, the princesses eyes followed. Every corner, every stand, every souvenir had something related to the lost Vanderquack and Webby could not take it off her mind. It was driving her crazy and mad.

"Give me your sun hat Louie!" Webby said as she yanked the hat (earning a 'hey!' from Louie) and placed it over her head and eyes.

"I needed it..." She couldn't continue on how she sees so, so many faces yet can't give in on how much she remembers then because she doesn't. It's impossible. She never saw or knew them and that's final.

Are you okay Webby?" Agnes asked, going in front of Louie to shade him from being exposed. "if you need to stop and go somewhere that is okay."

"Yeah. Perfectly fine. Nothing to worry about."

Music boomed from a band playing in the center of the city, many standing around and talking in conversations. Webby looked around and felt her foot tapping. Then, her hips were shaking and soon, her entire body was adjusting to the beat.

"Um Pinky? What are you doing?" Louie asked as he saw Webby beginning to dance.

"I have no idea. I like it though." She replied.

She waltzed out in the center, giving gracing moves and she watched a little boy look at her in awe of her dancing.

"Hey little guy. C'mon over!" Webby said as she extended her hand.

The young duckling looked at his mama for permission as she gave a curt nod, giving in to the consent.

As Webby danced with him, she began to pull in people. Random strangers she never knew of. Some were stubborn to come in but, once they were on the floor, they could never come out from the dance of joy.

"Come on Louie!" Webby yelled as the band transitioned to another song. "Join us!"

Louie held up his hand. "Can't. I don't dance."

Webby gave a small pout as she looked at him. Louie just stared, feeling a little guilty but, his mind was made up. He wasn't going to dance.

Lena came from behind and made a motion to Agnes to push Louie towards Webby. Agnes gave a smirk as she went closer to Louie. She pretended to look at her phone and then pushed Louie out towards the center.

"Oops. Must have lost my balance." She said, as Louie gave her a look of pure artificial hatred. "love you too Louie. Now go dance with Webby."

"Louie! You decided to dance! C'mon!"

"Whaaa?" Louie said as Webby brought him close to her. "pinky... Pink I don't..... I don't know how to dance." He said.

"Oh it's fine. I don't know either but we'll learn. You'll see." She said. "just copy what people are doing."

Around them, people were dancing in different steps. Some twirled their partner as as they traded one another.

"See! You're getting the hand of this!" Webby said as Louie picked her and both went into circles. He then twirled her as the both escaped to a corner where they fell over and began to laugh.

"Wow. I never thought I'd get that well at dancing." Louie said as he brushed himself off and helped Webby to her feet.

"Yeah. You're really good at dancing." Webby agreed.

It was silent for a minute, even with the band in the background playing. Both were looking at each other, looking like two dorks. Both of their beaks lit up with pink as each one tried to start a sentence but, was unable to say anything.


Both were brought to reality as a young girl duck approached them, her box was full of souvenirs but, her uniform is what got Louie's attention.

On her head was a hat of a troop, but of the junior woodchucks. Her uniform was olive green with two red stripes (senior woodchuck maybe?) And her sash was full of badges, just like Huey's.

"I'm a junior woodchuck and I was wondering if you would like to buy a souvenir in honor of the Princess Vanderquack. All the funds will go into genealogical round of testing to help find her Highness." She squeaked as she lifted her box, showing flags, mugs, keychains, bookmarks, rings, and handkerchiefs.

"Sure. How much is the handkerchief?" Webby asked.

"Three dollars." The scout replied.

Webby reached into Louie's jacket pocket and fished out his wallet. She gave in five and got two back.

"Have a great day!" The scout said as she went along, chanting about the souvenirs.

Webby looked at the one she bought and gasped. It had a beautiful Lily on the front, snowy white like her hair and best of all, it was hand embroidered with small threads and some type of fabric glitter. The background was purple, the color of royalty as it was and had small purple flowers at the borderline. It was perfect.

"Aww Louie! It's so beautiful! I... Louie? Louie?"

Louie wasn't paying attention as he looked in the distance, where the scout who sold Webby the handkerchief. She was with other scouts in her troop as they all they all presented how many souvenirs they sold.

"Good job Cecilia! Keep it up and you'll earn your business badge." The troop leader said, giving a handshake to the scout.

"Trip. Nice but you can do better. I'm counting on you." He said.

Louie squinted and then gasped. The voice was faint, yet familiar in his memory. So was the activity in what he was so passionate for.

"Huey." He said, extending his hand yet, he brought it back. Not today. It was too much to bear... Too much for him to deal with....

"Louie! Louie!" Huey yelled.

"Louie! Louie!" The voice went but, Huey wasn't moving.

"Louie! Louie!" Webby said. "What's wrong?"

Louie shook his head and saw the junior woodchucks leave. He saw Huey leave.

"Louie! Louie!" Webby repeated.

"Pour a bucket of water of him for Pete's sake." Lena said.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Just... Thinking." He said, then turned to Webby. "Now, where do you want to go?"

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