Chapter 13

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The streets were closed as vendors began to bring out their finest decorations, souvenirs and food as they knew what day it was. Her Royal Lost Highness Princess Webbigail Vanderquack's birthday.

A day not for sadness but hope. Something they've done for the past eighteen years and they will keep this tradition as long until she is found. They will still cling on to hope for many years if needed.

Music blasted from stores as squeals from children erupted as they played on the one day that they had no idea what the meaning is for. Food trucks filled the streets as people were out walking, buying anything they need for the afternoon.

"Wow! So this is Duckburg?" Webby said as she looked around the city.

"Yep. Usually it's full of businesses and the fishing industry but, today is the only day that jobs don't matter and just being together to celebrate the Princesses birthday." Agnes said, then she frowned. "She disappeared and no one knows where she is. She was just a baby."

"Yeah, the usual sob story here." Louie added. Agnes glared at him like she was going to attack.

"Ahem, remember what you guys signed up for!" Lena said, with a smirk on her face. She held up two fingers and made the motion, 'I'm watching you.'

Both of them grumbled as they went ahead, giving each other punches as they walked the streets of Duckburg.

Webby looked in awe as she had no words to describe what she felt in that single moment. Happy? No. Thrill and excitement? Perhaps but, it was a more stronger feeling to it that no mere word in the dictionary can say how she felt.

As she took a step, Webby felt her hair tug behind her. People stepped on it as they looked at the hair behind her.

Agnes and Louie began to help gather her hair as they all soon had at least a good amount of chunk in their arms, ready to collapse in a delicate state.

"This is seriously a lot of hair." Agnes said as she look at the locks in her arms. Then she looked at the state of clothes that both Louie and Webby wore. Both filthy and full of dirt. "and both of you are dirty. We're going to need a lot of care," then she turned to Louie. "especially with an outlaw over here."

Agnes looked around and then said, "We're going over to my place. There you guys can get cleaned. I'll see if I have any clothes from my family that you can wear."

"That sounds neat." Lena said. "where is it?"

"Not pretty far. Just a five minute walk."
Agnes didn't exactly live in a house. Not even a motor home or an apartment. She lived in this small little shack she calls home in an abandoned theme park her family owned until disaster struck but, Agnes didn't want to think that. Not now.

"Wow! That shower felt great!" Webby said as she rung her hair outside. She was no longer in her old attire but in some clothes Agnes lent her. It was a pink dress shirt with a purple vest that came up to her shoulders. Along with denim blue skirt that came to her mid thigh.

"No problem. Help yourself to anything here. It's not much but, it's something alright." Agnes said. She was out of her heavy bulletproof attire and into something more casual and deemed of her style. She adorned a red blouse with tears and black stripes on her waist. She wore a black skirt with frays that came by the lower thigh and a brown studded belt.

Webby's hair began to flow outside, making it seem obvious to the world she was here.

"Webs, you gotta do something with your hair. It's going to get everywhere." Lena said, beginning to sit down on a weathered old couch.

"Here, I'll braid. It'll be quick." Agnes said as she sat down and Webby sat beside her, letting her braid her hair.

"Sorry about the long hair." Webby said.

"Maybe if I cut..."

"No!" Webby and Lena screamed. "Just braid. Don't cut."

Agnes pulled her hands up in defeat. "Geez! Sorry if I..."

"Nah. It's not your fault. My hair is just... A unique feature." Webby said as her hair began to weave back into a braid.

"I see what you mean." Agnes said, beginning to tie the end with a ribbon. "And voila! It's done!"

Webby began to look by the window and saw part of her reflection. The hair was no longer on its own accord but, now braided tightly that it now reached her shins.

"I love it!" Webby said, adding her little bow along.

"This is good." Lena said, her magical hand touching the tight braid. "how'd you do this?"

"Oh my mother taught me. That's how I do my cornrows." Agnes said but, then frowned. "she, my dad and brother were murdered by masked people who I claimed to be monsters when I was younger. The DNG found me and raised me with the squad. I trained and then became captain within three years."

"Wow. That's dark." Lena said.

"I know right?" Agnes said. "I've been with the DNG for so long that I miss my family. We ran this park and after their murder, it just became abandoned. I came here when I turned 16 so, maybe I can turn this place around."

"Well, you'll think of something." Webby said. "you're a great captain after all."

Agnes smiled as Webby pulled her and Lena into a small hug as they just enjoyed it. Nothing bad would happen.

"Hey Agnes? Do you know where a comb is?"

The three looked up to see Louie by the doorway. He now wore a green hoodie that the sleeves came to his elbows, all frayed. His hair was damp from his shower and he looked... Nice. He no longer looked like the rogue bad boy but, a normal, regular young man who had a hint of boyishness.

Webby no longer looked the same either in Louie's opinion. She was no longer the naive little girl from a hidden world in a hidden tower. She was brave, resilient, confident, and even pretty beautiful. Webby proved her true self and what she is capable of doing.

"Yeah." Agnes said, breaking both of their trances. "There should be one in the cabinet."

Louie nodded sheepishly as he looked at Webby and went back to the cabinets.

"So I see..." Lena said.

"What?" Webby asked, confused of what Lena was referencing.

"Well? Spit it out!"

"Lena, I have no idea..."

"No idea that you have the love bug for Louie?" Agnes said. "I noticed that as well."

Webby just looked plain confused as Agnes and Lena looked at each other and back at Webby.

"You like Louie? Yes or no?" Lena said, making it simple.

Webby's face flooded with red as she finally pieced everything together.

"No... No I don't." She said.

"Oh please. I may not personally like Louie but, it's pretty clear you like him and he likes you back." Agnes said.

"Oh come on!" Webby said. "he's just a guide. Nothing more nothing less."

"He checked you out, you made eye contact, and your currently look like a hot tomato." said Lena. "So I'm pretty confident that you both like each other."

Webby huffed as it signified that it was the end of discussion and nothing more will follow after. Yet, the thought of what Agnes and Lena said still fluttered in her mind.

You like him

He likes you

"Are you kidding me." Webby whispered to herself. "Your gonna make a fool of yourself. It's better of if you and Louie are just friends."

"Okay!" Louie said in a voice that made Webby jump. "Let's go before all the good stuff is gone!"

A/N: Today is special because today is my birthday so I decide to work hard and give another chapter today!

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