Chapter 18

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"Ha!" Webby said, her fists triumphantly pumping in the air. " I win again!"

"Honestly," Lena said, making another board on the sand. "This is the most competitive game of tic tac toe I've ever seen with Webby."

"Okay," Louie said, drawing in the sand the tallies. "Webby won 4, Lena has 2 and I have nothing."

The girls laughed as they both began to make their new moves until....




The three heads shot up as they saw fireworks lighting penetraiting the sky with their noise and colors. Fireworks came in different shapes and colors but all came in the same result that they sizzled again and reincarnated as powder. They stuck to the air as the colors danced around.

"Oh my gosh!" Webby yelled, abandoning the game. "It's here!!"

Webby began to run out towards the ocean seeping by her legs. It was finally happening. All those years in the distance of a tower. Never to touch the dust in her hands. Never to have the firsthand and primary experience of seeing the dust live. It was here and happening. Nothing she has ever done will compare to now.

This is the best gift she could have been ever given. An experience to hold dear to her and cherish forever.

"Wow," Webby exclaimed, breathless at the scene. "Look at it Lena! It's beautiful."

It seemed like the world has shifted. Like the world was watching this. Perhaps people were eating popcorn at the scene or recording the scene and then making it their home screen.

Or maybe they were like Webby, never to have seen it beforehand.


Webby turned her head and saw Louie standing on the sand. In one hand, he held out something in his hands, like a rocket maybe? Or a bottle of dynamite? In the other, he held a pair goggles and ear plugs.

Webby gasped. "You mean we can..."

"We can if you want to. Unless you don't..."

"Yes," Webby said, abruptly. "Let em rip!"

Louie handed a goggle and ear plugs to Webby and Webby handed her shadow version to Lena. Then, Louie began to light up a match and set it towards the end of the firecracker. It gave a silent sizzle.

"Watch out!" Louie yelled.

Soon, the firework began to erupt into the sky, joining its fellow brothers and sisters. It's sound only heard by the three who set it off. Soon, it sizzled as powder once more.

Louie began to admire his handiwork that he did himself as he felt a small tap to the shoulder.

"Um Louie?" Webby said. "There's something I wanted to give you back. I remember our deal from some time and I want to give you this now as an early thank you present."

Webby began to reach behind her back and pulled out the beat up old chocolate brown bag.

"Wait. So you're telling me that you had this with you the entire time?" Louie asked, digging through the bag and found his cell phone where it now had a crack on the screen.

"I know our compromise is that you take me to see the fireworks and take me back home, but if I have to be real, the unknown sounds cool and I want to explore it more. You know?" Webby said, stuttering over a couple of words. "I'm not scared. I'm willing to go."

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