Chapter 20

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A middle aged, Latina duck came into the room, her short brown hair coiled back, with one strand of hair down her face. Her midnight black judges robe, swishing along side her in graceful steps as in her left hand, she held a file, that read, highly profiled.

Photographers snapped quick photos of the judge inside the court room as many reporters belted out questions over a trial that wasn't even in session just yet.

"Your honor? Who do you believe is responsible?"

No response...

"Your honor? Will you seek the death penalty?

No response...

"Your honor? What is your stance on this case? Did you get first dibs since it's highly profiled and because of your seniority?"

No response...

Such inappropriate questions to any judge in her opinion

She took small steps up to her seat and sat down, with a gavel in hand. An officer approached her and whispered something in her ear. She whispered something back and nodded her head. He shook his head in agreement and went out running to the large double doors.

Coming in was a duck in very bright and fluorescent orange jumpsuit that he could be mistaken for an actual orange sunset. His hands were cuffed to his back and his face beaten with smudges of purple on his eye. Two guards held him until they got to the desk, where a lawyer awaits him, a crowd of witnesses and publicity.

"All rise," boomed the loud voice of the bailiff The entire courtroom went silent and everyone except the judge stood on their feet.

"The Duckburg Supreme Court is now in session. With the Honorable Judge Maria Antonia Magdalena Aldonsa Cabrera presiding. Everyone may be seated."

As everyone sat down, Judge Cabrera began to open the new file and with her fingers scanned the charges and information obtained and used for the trial.

"Ladies and gentlemen, for the Kingdom of Duckburg vs Louie Duck. Are both sides ready to present."

"Ready to defend your honor."

"Ready for prosecution your honor."

Judge Cabrera nodded and began "Sir, you are charged of grand theft and understand all possible punishments, including death penalty that may be given. There may be a plea bargain if you plead guilty. Is this aware?"

"Yes your honor." Louie said, in a low voice.

The trials have begun...
Trials are a tedious and a ridiculously long progress, depending on the crime, witnesses, year, judge, whether there is a jury or not (it was a judge's court) and the willingness of the accused. People bustling in and out of the room, in dark business suits and pulling out files and pictures. Giving testimonies against Louie Duck. No one was coming to his defense. Not even his lawyer, knowing this is going to fail and that Louie is doomed.

Judge Cabrera listened patiently and took in every single word to the witnesses, mainly guards, officers, and palace workers, who were there at the scene.

Finally, it was Louie's turn. He went to the stand, gave the oath of truth and sat down.


"Silence," boomed the judge. "I didn't ask anything. Now, did you or did you not take the crown."

"Okay, I did, but the Beagle Boys are also responsible for this!! Look..." Louie said, his voice mixed. "I'm sorry that happened. I didn't think this through... I thought... Thought that..."

Tangled (Ducktales AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن