Chapter 19

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Blue eyes began to open as the view was dizzy and blurry. The eyes blinked a few times and her vision began to clear up.

Two beagles were standing there, just looking at Webby.

"Good of you to wake up now." Said Big Time as he was the first to speak up.

Webby tried to say something, but it came out as muffled as she began to realize that a cloth was tied to her mouth. Her hands were bounded as so as her feet.

"Oh yeah. Forgot." Big Time said as he began to untie her gag, but not undoing her ropes.

"Bleh. That was awful." Webby complained. Then she looked up and down from her captors.

"You're those beagles! The ones after Louie!" Webby yelled. Then, she began to realize Louie wasn't anywhere in sight. "Where is he? Where's Louie?!"

"Oh? Him?" Big Time said, a sneer on his face. "He did the work for us. See here lady, that he helped as all this time."

"What?" Webby asked confused.

"See the crown he took? The one in the bag? You made it easy for us. He came to you because of a trade. A crown, for a special gal like you." Big Time said.

"Yeah yeah!" Burger said, rubbing his hands in glee.

"You're crazy!" Webby growled, her voice cold and narrow. "He'd never do that to anyone. I trust him!"

"Oh really? See for yourself..." Big Time said and both beagle brother's laughed as Bouncer came in, holding Louie by the back of his arms. Louie looked a bit beaten since his eye was now blackened and he hung his head in shame.

"Now, see here, Louie here is nothing, but a no good little schemer." Big Time said, as he raised Louie's head higher, to meet Webby's face. His face met Webby's, but his eyes met the floor.

"Remember our scheme Louie? We said you'd trade us something for our crown. You said you knew of something valuable that we'd have today!" Big Time said.

"Shut up." Louie whispered.

"It was clear as day." Bouncer said. "An eye for an eye, limb for a limb."

"But... He would never! Louie!" She yelled.

Louie was still silent as he couldn't meet her. Webby felt herself mad inside. No, mad wasn't enough. Rage? Not that either. It was something more than that. Betrayal? Maybe, but just not the right word.

"Louie?" Webby finally whispered.

"Pinky... Webby I'm..."

"Save it." Big Time hissed. "You'd probably hurt the poor gals heart in a million pieces. Have you no shame?"

Louie stayed silent as he closed his eyes.

"Poor gals torn up?" Big Time said as he faced Webby. "Face it. You're no more than a pawn. A traders item for sale."

Webby clenched her fists tightly as she began to struggle against the rope. Dang it. She could've gotten out of them easily, but he emotions were getting to the best of her.

"Louie!" Webby cried, now a tear was falling down. "Tell me! Tell me now!"

Louie began to shed a tear as he shook his head in confirmation.

"Believe me. What I'm doing is protecting you." Louie said.

"Oh yeah?" Webby snarked. "Like selling me out that easily like your next con?"


"Don't call me Webby!"

"Enough!" Big Time said as he interrupted the so sudden saga movement. "Bouncer, you know what to do."

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