#13 : Breathe (part one)

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Summary : Mac and you have been dating for more than a year now. You know everything about the Phoenix and what he does for a living, since that's where you met. You've a complete trust in each other. Now, you just enjoy the small things life offers because in your line of work, nothing is never permanent.

To set you in the mood :

« S-o-f-t-b-a-l-l » you spelled.

« How? » he said, surprised. « Okay, let's see if you'll get this one. » He rose his eyebrows and pointed his head towards the other side as to ask you to turn around.

You felt the soft touch of his finger on your skin. Slowly, he traced a first letter, a second, a third on your back.

« I-m-pe-l-l-e-r. Impeller! » you proudly stated.

Mac took some foam bubbles and put them on your nose. You turned your head and kissed him leaving a little of it on his nose as well. You couldn't help but laugh. These are the kind of simple moments you wouldn't trade for anything. He was there, staring at you with his electric blue eyes.

« Another one! » You straightened your back, ready for a new word. You waited a few seconds, but nothing. He must be looking for the most complicated word he knows. Feeling like hours, you joked : « Don't try to find a super tough one, I'll win anyway ».

He remained silent. The sound of his hand getting out of the water was the only thing that warned you.

« Seriously? » giving him the most dramatic eyes roll you could. He did it so quickly that you barely understood.

Mac's pov :
She seemed annoyed, maybe it wasn't the right time. Why do I always have to mess everything up?!

« The only letters I got are M and O. You wrote it faster, that's unfair! » I let out a shaky laugh along with a huge breath.

« Do you want me to try again? » It's tough because I want her to get it, but at the same time I'm so nervous that I can't control it.

She turned around, ready to find the answer. I love her determination. From finding the word of a simple game to tracking down a bad guy when we almost have no clue, she never gives up. Blowing the hair that fell from her bun on her neck, I took the plunge, again.

With an unsure speed, I carefully drew the letters' shape : M-O-V-E-I-N-?


The high-pitched sound of the doorbell rang. Without letting y/n time to give me her answer, I got out of the tub.

« Coming » I yelled, while quickly drying myself with a towel.

Catching a T-shirt and jeans in the wardrobe, I headed towards the front door. Who could it be? I got no text or call from work and we didn't expect someone. I grasped the handle and opened the door. Nobody. It must have been someone who got the wrong address.

Made my way to the bathroom where apparently y/n no longer was. The bathtub was empty and the candles out. I wondered what was she going to say, I don't even know if she got it.

Weirdly, I found her lost in Bozer's closet.

« Got it! » she said, proudly holding a pair of white sneakers. Leaned against the door frame, I can't help but smile. 

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