Chapter 5 - Strike One.

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Niall knew, Liam had told him.

I knew this by the way that he was sitting as far away as possible from me, his blue eyes digging into the side of my head. My mind wanders back to lunch as he glares at me, giving me the same icy stare that he did then. I had been having banter with Lou and Zayn when my eyes caught onto someone staring at me.

I prepared myself to do the usual, snap at them and tell them to back off, when I met two crystal clear blue eyes stabbing into me from across the oval.

In that moment I knew.

Why is being Bi so difficult?


I restrain the urge to shiver with disgust as I take my now permanent seat beside Harry Styles. Since lunch my hatred for him has grown from a small dislike to a whopping, sour elephant of pure disgust. His mouth is set in a straight line and his eyebrow curves upwards questioningly at my hunched away stance.

"What not cool enough for your liking?” I snap, turning to face the teacher.

“U-uh, no I mean, what?” Harry stutters and I suppress a victorious smirk.

“Now then class let us finally begin.” Ms Neebling grins.

We begin to work on some basic Calculus and I work through the first ten questions speedily, I studied hard in the past few years and it has given me much more knowledge than I thought was possible for me to have. I got bad grades last year however so I am determined to try hard this year.

Once I have finished a few more questions I glance over to see that Harry has not one single answer written on his page, it is nothing but a blank sheet, untouched.

Did Harry not get this? It is simple Calculus!

His bright green eyes are focused hard on his paper, eyebrows furrowed.

I snigger to myself at his incapability, maybe that will teach him to try harder to be successful and less of a moronic jock.

 “Excuse me?!” Harry yell/whispers at me. My gut twists around inside of me, bubbling with embarassment and anger.

I really need to stop thinking aloud.

“Yeah you do!” He growls while at the same time maintaining a whisper so the teacher doesn’t come marching over.

“Gah, stop that!” I whisper back angrily.

“Stop being a moronic jock? Sorry I don’t think I AM CAPABLE OF THAT ACCORDING TO YOU.” He snaps.

I laugh at his attempt to make me feel guilty and simply shoot him a sour look before getting back to work.

What an idiot.

Just minutes later I feel a warm hand poke my cheek softly and I turn my head to see that Harry is about an inch from me, his green eyes right above mine.

“Do you think you could help me, pleeaaase?” He flutters his long lashes at me, that tool. He is staring at me the way he would stare at some slag when he wants something and I think we all know what I mean by something.

Bipolar much?

“No.” I growl back.

In my peripheral vision I watch him clench his jaw angrily and I snigger quietly, okay maybe not so quietly. But who cares, I got to him. I’ll make him pay for hurting one of my new found friends, Liam Payne.


Class drags by at turtle speed but after what seemed forever it finally ends, ending the school day as well. As I heave my tired body from the classroom already thinking of sleeping when I get home, I feel someone grab my shoulder.

"What do you want Harry Styles?”

“Please, just call me Harry at least, c’mon be civil!” He pleads, why does he care what I call him?

“No thanks, I’m good.” I sneer.

“Why are you so rude?”

“Why are you a cold hearted jerkface?” I reply without thinking.

“Oh, you did not say that!” Harry snarls at me, green eyes ablaze.

“Oh I did, what did it hurt your feelings? I didn’t know you had any!” I shout.

“We hardly know each other, why do you hate me so much? Why can’t we be friends?” He genuinely asks, but deep down I know that he knows the answer to his question.

“Because you were willing to hurt a perfectly nice guy, Liam Payne. Remember him, that guy you bullied for seven months straight, well he is my friend! We will never be friends and judging by the people you hang out with I guess you would already know the meaning of having no friends, just people who are just afraid that if you ditch them that they will be considered unpopular like myself! Well guess what, I’m not afraid of you in the slightest!” I challenge, noticing the lack of people because of the time right after the words fell from my lips. I had crossed the line.

His fist connects with my jaw before I can react and I clutch it in agony, falling over in pure surprise. He then takes the chance to kick me in the stomach (shooting pain through me) several times before spitting on me and stalking off.

"You just made yourself an enemy Horan.”

Great, second day of school and I made an enemy already…and been punched in the jaw and possibly internally bruised by how it feels. I slowly pick my sore body from the ground and begin the walk to my locker…and the long and painful walk home.


What have I done?

In math I was trying to get the message across to him that I am Bi, and interested in both genders but I guess I wasn't that obvious because he simply brushed me off like a speck of dirt on his shoulder! Liam must have told him some of the nasty details of our enemy period or else he wouldn't hate me to this extent.

And now, I am cowering behind a brick wall shaking in anger at myself as I watch the boy that I have begun to develop a small crush on carrying his aching body away in a painful looking manner.

I slide down the wall beside me once he is out of sight and hold back tears. He was right, everything he said. I am a jock, all of the fake girls I hang out have slept with me at least once and overall nobody besides Zayn and Lou are actual friends to me, just fakes who are too afraid to do anything besides hit on me.

I just wasted a chance of being friends, or more, with a boy who sees through my cool guy act and sees the real, actuality of this situation. I couldn't handle the truth so I let my self anger out on him, little innocent angelic Niall Horan.

The guy that I may or may not like just a little bit.

What. Have. I. Done.

A/N – Two short chapters in one day! You guys proud of me! I know I said I wanted 5 comments last chapter but I was in a writing mood and yeah…Oh yeah the reason I haven’t updated as much is because my laptop is broken and I have to use the family computer. Gosh, this girl is tired as heck. I am out! D: So..anyway 5 comments if possible, please vote guys!

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