Chapter Seventeen:

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She helped me up and we covered Gloria's body up. I buttoned up my blouse while she said "I've been thinking about Stefan's diabolical plain."

        "Oh, please, I've gotta hear this."

  "Well, you must know that Klaus is too paranoid to ever fully trust Stefan. But the sister, she loves Stefan like it was yesterday. She's the easier mark for Stefan. But he can't just pretend to care, because Klaus will know better, so he does the opposite. Stefan needs to bond with Klaus, make her feel left out. That'll only make her want Stefan more."

        "Oh! So you mean, he'll, play you. Flirt with one brother, to make the other one want you more."

  "Well, isn't that what you're doing?" Katherine asked.

        "Um, No! I love Damon, and Stefan loves Elena. I see Stefan as a brother and he sees me as a sister. I don't need to play with anyone's affections to make them love me. Unlike you, Katherine."

  "The only question is why, Elli? I mean, I get it, you want to keep Klaus away from Mystic Falls, but... what else do you expect to get from it?" Katherine said to change subjects.

        "You know what's funny. You keep talking to me like I actually trust you enough to tell you anything."

  "Oh, come on. I saved you from Hilda the high voodoo priestess."

        "Okay. Stefan knew them, back in the twenties. That's all I know."

  "Well, you let Stefan know that if he's making a move against Klaus. I want in."

        "That's good. It's good to want things, Katherine."


        "Katherine. Stefan and I are in this alone. If you're looking for a diabolical partner in crime, I suggest that you look elsewhere. Goodbye Katherine."


          After dumping Gloria's body where no one wood look for her, I returned to the warehouse. No one was there so I went to see if Elijah was in one of the coffins. As I reached down to open the coffin, I heard footsteps behind me.

  "You're back." Rebekah said. "Nik and Stefan went to check on the witch. Dreary, isn't it? The family cargo."

        "Why don't you endanger them? I mean, if they we're my family I would want to reunite with them."

  It's not that simple. Besides Nik would hunt me down and kill me. He's a vindictive little bastard, my brother."

        "But you still care about him. Why? Unless you're scared of him."

  "Well, I hated him for a long time. It was exhausting. But no I am not afraid of him." She paused for a moment and then asked. "Nik told me about your sister. Did Stefan turkey love her?"

        "Yes, he did."

  "Nik also told me that the only reason you're here is because of Stefan and that he saved Damon."

        "Yes, it's true. I'm only here because I don't want to see Stefan get hurt by your brother."

  "You sound like you love him. Do you?"

        "No. Stefan is like a brother to me. Besides I love his brother, Damon."

  "I think Nik admires that about you. He'd sacrifice anything for family. Don't tell him I told you that."

        "Don't worry. You're secret is safe with me."

  "Thanks. You know, I think we could be the best of friends." She paused. "Do you think Stefan will ever love anyone like he did your sister?"

        "I don't know. You'll have to ask him." Suddenly the doors flew open and Klaus walked in caring Stefan over his shoulder. He flung him down on the couch in the corner.

"Gloria's gone. She's cleared out. We need to find a new witch immediately. What's going on?" Klaus asked us.

  "Nothing. Just two girls having a chat." Rebekah said.

        "What happened to Stefan?" I asked frantically.

Klaus glanced at me then to Rebekah and said "Well, that's a bit of a problem. He was asking about Michael."

        "Who the hell is Michael?" after I said that Klaus came towards me and that's when I heard a snap. Everything went black.

~ Stefan's POV ~

        As I awoke to see my surroundings, I notice Eliana's lifeless body next to me and then I see Klaus. "Just give me a chance to explain myself, ok?"

"No need. I'm not mad, I'm just curious. Rebekah seems to think that you and Eliana here, are holding onto something. A piece of your old life. The thing is, she's got flawless instincts; borderline supernatural. So I thought I would check it out. To see for myself what it is that the two of you have been hiding." He walked over to the truck door and pulled it open. There it was. Mystic Falls was starring me in the face. "Welcome home, Stefan."

     "No!" I heard Elli gasp from behind me.


Sorry about the wait guys but I had an emergency with my fiance and it took longer to finish than I had planned.

I hope that you enjoy this chapter.

I don't own the TVD book series nor the tv series. That is L.J. Smith and the cast and crew of the popular hit tv series The Vampire Diaries.

I only own the characters that I put into the story line.

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