"Salt and sage, honeybuns."

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"What the fuck is that?" Was the first thing Dinah said when she opened the door to Lauren. The girl in question sighed in exhaustion as she walked past her roommate and placed the box on the glass table in their living room. Lauren knew that Dinah was the queen of being dramatic, but if she found out she brought a Dybbuk Box into the house, it'll be a recreation of a when Odysseus killed his wife, instead it'd be intentional.

"Don't freak out."

"Telling someone not to do something makes them do the complete opposite, Jauregui."

"Well in this case you need to."

"No promises."

"That may or may not be a Dybbuk Box."

"A what?"

"Basically its a box that seals a demon with bad intentions inside."

"Excuse me?"

"Oh for fucks sake, I found a Dybbuk Box in Cuba and it has a demon inside that if we open it, we could get possessed."

Dinah remained silent. Slowly she moved from the door and walked away to her room. Lauren listened to her shuffling around her room, it sounded like she was looking for something. When Dinah re-emerge, she held a baseball bat in hand. Without a single word she approached the box and raised the bar into the air. "Dinah! Are you crazy?!" Lauren shouted as she halted her roommates actions. "Me crazy? Says the bitch who brought a demon into our home." Dinah replied with a sarcastic and frantic voice. Lauren huffed in annoyance before prying the bat from her hands. "You can't fucking open it dumbass." Lauren scolded and Dinah snickered lightly.

"I wasn't opening it. I was crushing it." Dinah said as if it were obvious. The green eyed girl shook her head in disapproval and looked toward the box. "As long as we don't touch it or open it, we're fine. At least that's what Lucy said." Lauren explained and Dinah kissed her teeth. Dinah never really liked Lucy, it wasn't personal but merely because Lucy wasn't there for Lauren during the times with Damien. Lucy claimed to be one of Lauren's closest friends but then took off the second things got hard. For that Dinah despised her. "Lucy talks out of her ass. We need a damn witch." Dinah protested and she walked back into her room, returning with her laptop and phone. "What are you doing?" Lauren asked as Dinah searched through her contact list. "Calling a child of God." Was Dinah's response. Lauren rolled her eyes, knowing exactly who Dinah was calling. Their old friend Ally Brooke, who was the most innocent soul to walk the Earth. Ally was literally the embodiment of sunshine and if anyone was to peer into her mind, Lauren was sure you'd find just ounces of bubbles and fields of trees.

"Allysus, your assistance is needed at the apartment. Lauren Michelle was a complete dumbass and welcomed some demon into our house." Lauren couldn't hear the conversation but she knew that Ally would be there very soon. Whenever somebody needed guidance or help in their friend group, everyone found themselves going to see Ally, for some odd reason the girl always had the answers. 

Once Dinah was finished on the phone, she opened up her laptop and began vigorously typing. Whilst Lauren watched the crazed woman, she couldn't help but look toward the box. She didn't exactly know what it was but something kept pulling her toward it, like it wanted her constant attention. Lauren recalled that same feeling when she was on the beach, she didn't know why but her mind just told her to dig and now her mind is screaming at her to open the box. Though, Lauren who had a burning curiosity to see inside knew that chaos would be unleashed is she even tampered with it. "What are you doing?" Lauren asked when the typing began to get to annoying to listen to. "Protecting our home." Was Dinah's response and Lauren moved to look over her shoulder. "Really, a witchcraft store?" Lauren scoffed and Dinah simply hummed in response. "Salt and sage, honeybuns."

Sometime later, a knock on the door resonated throughout the apartment. When Lauren answered the door, she received a splash of water on her face, when she opened her eyes from the sudden intrusion she saw Ally looking back at her with disappointment. "Did you just throw holy water at me?" Lauren asked in disbelief and Ally smiled sweetly. "Damn right. Now where's this box?" Lauren stood aside and let her friend inside. Dinah was still trying to purchase every protection herb and jewels possible so Ally didn't disturb her. Instead she sat down facing the box and glided her hand across the edges. "Oh yeah, this is a Dybbuk Box alright. There's energy spilling from it." Lauren didn't know why but she felt this strong possessive urge to slap Ally's hand away from the box. Somewhere deep down, something was telling her that the box was hers and nobody could have it.

"You found this in Cuba? How?"

"I dug it up."


"I couldn't tell you, I don't have any idea."

"Well it needs to be buried again Lauren. These boxes aren't some collectors item."

"I don't want to bury it, I want to open it."

"Are you stupid?"

"No, but every cell in my body wants it open."

"You do realize that's the demon luring you to free it."

"I sort of assumed so."

"Well I can take it off your hands." Before Lauren could respond a glass that was on the kitchen counter shattered suddenly. The noise made all three girls scream in shock, Lauren looked over her shoulder to see that it was knocked off the side. "I guess it's got other ideas." Dinah muttered once the girls calmed down. "Laur, I'm telling you now. It only gets worse from here. It all starts small but it'll get stronger and then, you'll know just how much you messed up bringing that home." Ally warned as both of them stared at the glass scattered across the floor.

Somewhere In Downtown Miami

He looked up and own at his dancers as they all swung their bodies to the slow beat. Though he wasn't watching with lust, but for a distraction. He'd had this metaphorical itch he couldn't seem to scratch and it all started since the moment he woke up. His father had told him that if he ever felt that feeling, then his services as Padré Santoś' descendant were needed. Meaning, that Amante and her friends are out of the sand.

Things are starting to get real spicy. In both this book and my life :)

I'm now having to write on my laptop now so if the layout seems weird that's why,

Oh and how would you like a Gotham theme one shot? Let me know.

Ally Brooke

Ally Brooke

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