"I want the truth, Karla."

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Dinah: Did you know about a letter that was left with the box?

Lauren: No, I would've brought it back.

Dinah: Well I spoke to Zac. He wasn't exactly happy with the fact that they got out the box, but he typed up what his great grandfather left behind.

Lauren: What does it say?

Dinah: I don't exactly want to go home, so I'm staying Zhavia's

Dinah: It says what Amante did, and Lauren I really recommend you get rid of them. I'll send you what it says.

Lauren waited in pure anxiety as Dinah typed up what the letter had said. It wasn't the fact that she was anxious to read it, it was because she was going to learn what Amante did and especially the crimes she committed and Lauren really didn't want to have to struggle with choosing, to choose which Amante was the real one. The one who committed unforgivable acts or the one who drew her portrait.

Dinah: To whom stumbles upon this letter, I spent three years learning English so I could write this warning. I'm currently sat in my church before the Holy Spirit himself; I can only write this under his protection otherwise I would feel defenceless. I have spent four long years of my life trying to conceal this evil from the world but I'm afraid if I don't warn people, someone might fall prey to this being again. This is a formal warning about the dangerous and sinister spirit known as Amante.

Hopefully, this letter stays with its counterpart so everything makes sense. If not, then please find the box before reading on. The innocent are in danger and Amante will rise again if that box is not safely locked away from humanities touch. If the box is with this letter then I must stress to never, ever open that box. The minute you weaken that wax, Amante will break free, so please heed this warning and under no circumstances are you to open this box. It contains an evil that I spent four years trying to capture, and Amante is that evil I keep mentioning. She was created from a fealty of revenge many years ago and has plagued Havana with her presence. To convince you of this spirits true colours when Amante was a living human as you or I, she killed two ladies in cold blood and severed the head of a foreigners dog. However, when she was dead she tormented and drove many more to insanity.

There are also two other spirits concealed within this box. One, uses mind games and sick, twisted methods to protect his counterpart Amante. The other, is a lunatic who loves the thrill of the kill. Opening this box not only releases Amante, but those two as well. Amante is not a lie. Amante cannot be controlled. The only way for anyone to be safe is for this box to remain sealed shut and tucked away. If you read on without having this box I speak of, I implore you to find it. It was buried at the coastline of Havana deep within the sand.

Do not destroy this letter. Do not destroy the box. Do not let Amante escape. Do not be deceived by what she wants you to see. Do not under any circumstances speak her real name.
Padré Santoś of Cojimar

Lauren felt a strange coldness pass over her, she couldn't believe that Amante had done those things, who could sleep at night with the knowledge that they did those things. Without any thought, she marched into her living room to see Stiles and Jerome playing a game of chess whilst Amante was sat on her balcony, looking out onto the city. It was a peaceful sight, but Lauren didn't see that, instead she swore two women pleading for their lives and the dog whimpering. "Stiles, Truth or dare?" Lauren said without any emotion in her tone, Stiles paused his movements to place his pawn further up the board. "The game doesn't work like that Lauren." Stiles' voice held a dangerous edge, it was almost like a dare in itself. "You ask the question, you're in the game. Now, truth or dare?"


"What's Amante's real name?"

"You think I can answer that?"

"If I had to carve into my skin, you can answer this."

"You think you can beat me at my game?"

"I don't care. Answer the question."

"Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao." Stiles looked so angry that it almost made Lauren shiver but she shrugged it off before charging to the balcony where Amante was stood. "I want the truth, Karla." Lauren demanded and the demon merely bowed the head before looking back at her with her red eyes. "They deserved what they got." Karla insisted and Lauren grabbed her by the collar before pressing her against the glass. "I want the truth!" Lauren shouted and Karla's eye bore into her own, making Lauren only slightly uncomfortable. "Then I want to know why you killed Damien." Karla stated calmly and Lauren winced at the memory before slowly releasing her grip.

"You've got yourself a deal, Karla."

So Lauren killed Damien.

But is that all there was to the story?

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