Chapter eight.

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Your point of view.
I laid in my bed and uncontrollably cried for what seems like hours now. As I'm hugging my pillow I hear a knock at the door. Oh fuck.

"One minute!" I called out as I rushed to the bathroom. I splashed water all over my face and covered my red poofy eyes with makeup so it won't be obvious. As I was finally convinced that no one would notice I rush to my door and look through the peep hole and to my surprise it was Craig! I flung my door open and I immediately go for a hug.

"Well hey y/n! I'm happy to see you too." He says sincerely.

"Hey! Oh my gosh you want to come in?" I asked opening my door.

Craig gladly took my offer and came in and sat on the bed. "Long time no see huh? Now look you're here with us doing things!" Craig mentions quite excitedly.

I shut my door and smiled and nodded. "Yeah, this actually seems unreal even though I didn't travel far like you guys did." I giggled.

Craig nodded and smiled. "That doesn't matter you're here! Doing amazing things with us.... Man, years ago we met and became close friends thanks to Daria and Carrie chasing you down with that spider, and now six months ago you and I are closer than ever." Craig pointed out.

I truly wanted to laugh at the memory but the mention of Daria with how vulnerable I am already made me burst out into tears.

Immediately Craig goes into panic mode and rushed to my aid.

"Why won't he talk to me Craig? What do I do to make myself so avoidable." I cry into his arms, trying to avoid the subject about Daria.

"Why won't who talk to you? What's all going on?" Craig asked sitting me down on the bed.

"I just- I can't- its aahhh." I cried out.

"Calm down, calm down take your time." Craig said rubbing circles on my back.

I take many deep breathes and I finally calm down enough to explain.

"It's Tyler.." I muttered.

"What about Tyler? I thought you two were becoming good friends." Craig stated.

I sniffled while tears running down my face. "I thought so too... I really did! We came here as friends and now he won't even talk to me!" I exclaimed.

".... what else happened?" Craig asked.

I glance at him and back, then sighed. "Tyler and I shot a video for my channel and afterwards he kissed me yadda yadda and he apologized for it and now he came out of his room and I tried talking to him but he completely avoided me, he wouldn't answer my texts... "I don't get why...." I said with tears streaming down my face.

"Wow.. that is pretty weird for him to sto- Evan...." Craig says in the middle of his sentence.

"Huh?" I asked looking up at him.

"O- nothing Evan! That dang boy, so silly I just remembered what he did earlier." Craig quickly said.

I squinted my eyes. "And what did Evan Do earlier?" I asked still suspicious.

"Oh you know, Canadian humor!" He laughs nervously.

I sit there clearly confused.

Craig, being visibly startled he quickly changed the subject.

"Now... what else is bothering you?" Craig asked.

I shift uncomfortably and laugh nervously. "Why would you think anything else is wrong?" I said, trying to get him away.

Into you - A IAMWILDCAT x reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now